עדכון 1.2.15 - פורומים - פריפלייט 
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 עמוד ראשי -> DCS World -> עדכון 1.2.15

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צפה בנושא הקודם :: צפה בנושא הבא  
מחבר הודעה
טיסות סדירות

הצטרף בתאריך: 27/09/2005
הודעות: 1316
מיקום: דרום

הודעהנשלח: 20:25 ,27 פברואר 2015, ו'    כותרת הודעה: עדכון 1.2.15 תגובה עם ציטוט

DCS: MiG-15bis beta release

DCS World
Update to the sound system and sounds of variious aircraft.
Excessive delay of AI aircraft launching follow-on air-to-air missiles shots have been addressed.
Ejected pilot now has the correct national flag instead neutral.
Implemented radio frequencies for the VVS (USSR) 1940th.
S-24 rockets will now use the APU-68 launcher on all aircraft that uses this rocket.
Fixed the crash when disembarked troops would be killed by explosions near it.
WWII aircraft. Adjusted shaking on the ground.
WWII aircraft. Fixed pilot not dying of oxygen starvation.
Su-24MR. Corrected payloads and hardpoints.
Crash with accidentally hit [RSHIFT+\] ("Communications: Receive Mode") is fixed.
Multiplayer. Incorrect airbase names that appear on the F10 map on the info panel after connecting to the server a second time is fixed.
The net protocol was changed and becomes not compatible with older versions. The 1.2.14 servers will not visible in the 1.2.15.
Fixed client crash on script coalition.addGroup()
Major Update of german ingame localization.
Major Update of french ingame localization.
Lua export. Unit.getByName() will function on ships.
Lua export. StaticObject.getByName() will return objects.
Lua export. Unit.getPlayerName() will works for CA player controlled vehicles.
Trigger "Stop last sound" will works.

DCS: Flaming Cliffs 3
Added German Flight Manual.
Added previous waypoint selection with [LAlt + '~'].
Radar will not tracking the locked target with ECM even through mountains.
Su-27. Landing lights will now light a ground surfaces.
Su-27. Corrected speed indication based on wind.
Su-27. Longitudinal acceleration indicator on the HUD is fixed.
Su-27 The Ultimate Argument campaign. Fixed several bugs.
F-15C. Adding missing cockpit lights and switch animations according to electrical power status.
F-15C. AAR Tanker will now fill to 100%.
F-15C. ADI and HYDRAULIC control lamps will now not light when the battery switch is set to off.
F-15C. Automatic rudder trim based on wind is fixed.
F-15C. FLOOD mode now provide a launch indication in MP.

DCS: Combined Arms 1.5
Different engine sounds for ground units has been introduced.
Ships will now follow commanded routes.

DCS: A-10C Warthog
Update the German Flight Manual.

DCS: Bf 109 K-4 Kurfurst
English Flight Manual corrected.
Flight dynamics and the undercarriage have been tuned. Cockpit dashboard shaking has also been tweaked.
Several skin have been corrected.
Propeller tweaking.
Corrected propeller cross-section semi-transparent shape when rotating.
Corrected the Level Of Detail (LOD) models.
Corrected the pilot bail out animation.
Fixed oxygen pressure gauge behavior.
Adjusted circuit charging.
Adjusted exhaust thrust.
Fixed landing flaps analog axis scale.
Adjusted fuel level warning level and minor syntax changes.
Introduced weapon fusing parameters.
Expanded engine start routine, minor syntax changes, removed some obsolete methods, and fine tuned the DB 605DB motor to specs.
Fixed reversed radiator mode command.
Bf-109 now available for all countries in ME.
Fixed TIR support in Bf 109 easy mode.

DCS: P-51D Mustang
English Flight Manual corrected.
Too high oil pressure corrected.
Left and right parts of engine cover can now receive damage.

DCS: Fw 190 D-9 Dora
Corrected propeller cross-section semi-transparent shape when rotating.
Corrected several skins.
Corrected several quick start and single missions.
Flaps will no longer move if there is no power.
Fixed sound of raising flaps continuing if the power is off.
Fixed trimmers electric drive behavior when appropriate circuit breaker was switched off with the drive operating.
Friction coefficient was added to electric drive. Calculation were made more stable.
Worn type gear (irreversible) was added to electric drive logic.
Flaps and trimmers now have worn gear type.
Adjusted dynamics for gear, flaps and trimmers.
Left and right parts of engine cover can now have damage.
Corrected several german quickstart and single missions not playing correcty because of wrong ME version.

DCS: F-86F Sabre
Added engine stall sound.
In-cockpit turbulence vibration sound adjusted.
Updated turbulence sound.
Added new cockpit depressurization sound.
Corrected pilot shape and parachute.
Reduced wing nose-up moment at transonic speeds.
Hydraulic system corrections.
ARN-6 frequency band will no longer be switchable without electrical power.
The wrong fuel quantity in the Simulator Rearm panel has been eliminated.

DCS: MiG-21bis
"Ghost weapon still on the pylons" bug has been fixed.
Fixed nose cone with PPS engine surge.
Separated main and aux Pitot tube freezing algorithms.
Engine sound if FORS/MAX switch is used has been fixed.
Improved oxygen use timing.
Precision improvement to RSBN/PRMG NAV data (location/direction).
Fixed radar lights in shut-down/out-of-order states.
Fixed radar test mode correct reset.
Fixed R-60 lights.
Improved ASP, gun, A-A mode.
Improved engine air-temperature dependency.
Flight model refined improvements, especially in supercritical regimes.
Engine over-speed limit removed in simulation mode, engine damage simulated.
Fuselage over-speed drag limit removed in simulation mode.
Ground steering (taxi) more restrictive in simulation mode.

Star Force ProActive has recently implemented a deactivation option for DCS: MiG-21bis. In order to avoid an unneeded activation of previously activated module due to Start Force protection changes, please:
Deactivate the module
Exit DCS
Start DCS again
Activate the module after starting a MiG-21BIS mission

NOTE for Windows 8 users: It is possible that you will receive a warning notifying you that module can't write to registry after it activates. Confirm this notification and let the mission start. You won't get into the cockpit this time. Exit the mission and restart DCS. Load another MiG-21BIS mission: you should be in the cockpit this time.

DCS: Mi-8MTV2 Magnificent Eight
Cooling for the STG-3 starter-generator (APU start) has been installed. Now the starter is cooled much like in reality (consequently, it can burn out because of overheating)
Minor bugs fixed.

DCS: C-101
Power loss on sudden GPU disconnect
Update key bind list
GPU connection in flight
Pitot/static icing model updated (accounts for precipitation and accumulation rate)
Engine icing model added (accounts for precipitation and accumulation rate)
Ladders/chocks visible in certain situations in flight
Slip indicator sensitivity in flight
Landing lights can fail
Added TACAN at Tbilisi
FD glide slope tracking
EGT tweaked to more realistic values
Power consumption model added
Battery model added. Discharge model uses Peukert's Law
Smoke crash bug (caused by invalid pylon definitions)
Oil pressure needle added back into model
Click spot for show/hide stick restored
Click spot for landing gear lever
Mirror image orientation
TARSYN fast erect
Oil pressure now reacts to negative g
Backup ADI roll index added
Fuel transfer logic fixed
Compass light added
Limit speeds now relative to IAS
g meter reset rate changed
ITT needle OFF position fixed
IAS instrument re-written
Nav stations updated/tweaked
Various texture and model updates

אחד הדברים החשובים פה הוא החלפת פרוטוקול הרשת בו עובד המשחק.
הולך להיות מעניין כי בתחום הזה ממש היה צורך בשיפור. מקווה שנראה אותו. נתקין ונדע מחייך
שימו לב שאין תאימות לגרסאות קודמות והשרת המרכזי לא ישקף שרתים ישנים בעתיד הקרוב.

ארדוף אויבי ואשיגם ולא אשוב עד כלותם אמחצם ולא יכלו קום יפלו תחת רגלי
חזור למעלה
טיסה לפרופיל הטייס שלח הודעה פרטית לטייס אתר הבית של הטייס
מדריך בית ספר לטיסה
מדריך בית ספר לטיסה

הצטרף בתאריך: Jan 01, 2006
הודעות: 2498

הודעהנשלח: 20:39 ,27 פברואר 2015, ו'    כותרת הודעה: תגובה עם ציטוט

גם אני מחזיק אצבעות, אדאג לעדכן את השרת שלנו.

חזור למעלה
טיסה לפרופיל הטייס שלח הודעה פרטית לטייס
הצג הודעות קודמות:   
שליחת הודעה חדשה   תגובה להודעה    עמוד ראשי -> DCS World כל הזמנים הם שעון ישראל (GMT + שעתיים)
עמוד 1 מתוך 1


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