תדריך מידאוי - משימה 2 - 14-01-09 - פורומים - פריפלייט 
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 עמוד ראשי -> אי אל 2 -> תדריך מידאוי - משימה 2 - 14-01-09

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צפה בנושא הקודם :: צפה בנושא הבא  
מחבר הודעה
מדריך בית ספר לטיסה
מדריך בית ספר לטיסה

הצטרף בתאריך: Mar 13, 2006
הודעות: 2662
מיקום: בית ספר לטיסה

הודעהנשלח: 16:06 ,13 ינואר 2010, ד'    כותרת הודעה: תדריך מידאוי - משימה 2 - 14-01-09 תגובה עם ציטוט

תדריך בעברית בקרוב.

Hi folks,

Following the unfortunate server crash last week, we have gone ahead and let the AI play out the 0800 mission. We are now with a clean slate starting the 1100 mission. Like we intended last time, this should be the definitive mission for the Midway Sector. On this one we either make it or break it on the technical side of things.

Technical Instructions for all participants to comply with
In order to overcome the RAM related freezes and disconnects, all participants are asked to follow the instructions as set forth in the following link:

Strategic Gameplan

We will move our carriers into the shadow of Midway radar far to the East and play a bunker style game for as long as possible. Midway base will be used for as long as it can support offensive operations and will be supplemented on a per mission bassis with aircraft from our carriers based on free berth availability.

Several cruisers and destroyers are currently employed to the North of Midway as a "Diversion Fleet" with the hopes of causing the enemy to assume these are the pickets of a carrier group and send aircraft in that direction to seek out non existing US carriers. The Diversion Fleet will be aggressively protected with a full flight of Wildcat CAP (VF-3 "Felix The Cat" from USS Hornet) on every mission until we see this is not effective and the enemy isn't biting anymore.

Our success in the offensive dimension will be derived from the quality of our Recon, so we will focus on gaining effective recon on every mission.

There is the possibility that the enemy will send out marauding ships bypassing Midway far to the North or South into our rear area, where they can pounce our CVs and sink them in a naval engagement. To counter this threat we have allocated two PBY Catalina search aircraft to act as "Gaters" on every mission. Their objective will be to recon all the way to the North and South tips of the map, to discover any such attempt.

The Operational plan for tonight is based on 3 Groups: Recon, Strike Package, and CAP.

* Recon Group: 4x B17s (Midway Airstart) + 2x PBYs (Midway Seaplane Base).
* Strike Package: 8x SBD + 2x SB2U + 2x F2A-2 (Midway Airbase).
* CAP Group: 2x F4F-3 + 2x F2A-2 (Midway) + 4x F4F-3 (USS Hornet) + 4x F4F-4 (USS Enterprise)

Briefing for Catalina North / South Gaters

Finally we get to fly the Catalina (yay!)
It’s a long, unenviable flight all the way to the North & South edges of the map in the Catalina, but the threat of a Battleship group slipping into our back yard and hunting down our carriers is just too great to neglect these open spaces. You can fly PDI, the waypoints are set for the actual course I want you to take. We depend on your eyes to be peeled and searching these open spaces for any ships attempting a sneaky flanking maneuver. If you encounter any capital ship sound the alarm immediately! We will send any bomber and all available bombers we have to counter this threat. Don't go overboard trying to photo-recon an armed ship. The Catalina is a slow airplane and the AA will most probably take it apart if you get too close. Just make sure you've localized your target properly and the fix on the map is precise. You can and actually should take a photo-recon just outside the AA range of the ship, and then update with a more precise Pilot Report on the MP.

We're counting on you guys to save us from a humiliating loss of an Aircraft Carrier if we let anything pass into our backyard from these open spaces. Good Luck!

Briefing for Recon and Strike Package Groups

General idea for tonight is conduct a search with the B17 recon aircraft (2 to the NW and 2 to the SW), and the Strike Package consisting of the SBD and SB2U bombers will be on hold at a location I will choose during the mission until we find a juicy target to send them after. I'm not looking for a knockout punch, just to draw first blood by sinking a single big ship. The first capital ship we find will be the target of this whole group. I want to sink just one ship tonight, hopefully an Aircraft Carrier.
Lets make a lasting first impression on our enemy.

So a heavy responsibility rests on the shoulders of the B17 pilots to make this happen. When you do find find a group of capital ships we will need you to tell us exactly where it is, force composition, direction of sailing and estimated speed. "Exactly where it is" means we will require a grid location, not a general "its about X km NW of Midway"... really? no kidding! who would've guessed!... the map is just too big for a general bearing. We need to be as precise as possible gentlemen. Once we are sure of what we want to go after The Strike Package will move in for the kill. The pilots in the B17 group must be top notch navigators who know where they are at any moment in their flight.

Strike Package planes are to stay together as a cohesive force in formation throughout the whole flight. The 2x F2A-2 from Midway are to escort as far as their fuel will permit.

Important Note: Every B17 should have at least one gunner ! (don't forget to type "DSC GUNNER").

Briefing for CAP flights

Midway 2x F4F-3 + 2x F2A-2: Vacate the runway at launch phase (taxi near to the hangars off to the right). Stay on the ground for as long as possible. Hopefully RADAR will work on this mission and you will be able to launch based on contact reports. If RADAR is u/s then hold for 20 minutes and then launch.

USS Enterprise 4x F4F-4: This is the VF-6 squadron. Hold for 10 minutes then launch and start flying towards Midway. Use best altitude and best Economy Power setting (60/60 if possible). Join the CAP over Midway, land at Midway. Due to Midway Airbase having no more free berths this Wildcat flight won't be beefing up the CAP at Midway, but will revert to the CVs airwing list after the mission is over, even if you land at Midway, but thats OK. Once we start getting losses from planes stationed on Midway we will have more berths availble for Navy Wildcats to transfer into.

USS Hornet 4x F4F-4: This is the "VF-3 Felix the Cat" squadron. Launch immediately! and fly on a general West heading over to the Diversion Fleet. The cruisers and several of the destroyers are radar equipped. Engage aggressively, make a lot of noise there. Make sure the enemy has had a chance to see our ships there before you kill them. I want to the enemy to get the feeling there is a high value asset in that area of the ocean.

Com Setup
As per our Communication plan linked here:
Keybindings & whispers to setup as per the above communication plan.

Aircraft Sequencing during Launch Phase
For Midway I would like one of the F4F pilots to be our Ground Traffic Controller.
The Wildcats at Midway should start up and clear the runway, the controller should open his canopy and sit up in his seat to get a good view of the aircraft lineup. Use GUARD frequency to sequence the takeoffs.
Lets do our best to avoid silly traffic accidents on our aircraft carriers and on Midway.

Preliminary Aircraft Assignment
Note this will probably change as I see how many people arrive from what squads.

69.GIAP Sqn:
2x B17 from Midway (air start)
2x F4F-3 from Midway
2x F2A-2 from Midway
Additional pilots to fly F4F fighters from the carriers.

IAF Sqn:
4x SBD from Midway
2x SB2U from Midway
1x B17s from Midway Airstart

SYN Sqn:
4x SBD from Midway
2x F2A-2 from Midway

242 Sqn:
2x PBN Catalina from Midway Seaplane base
1x B17 (if possible)

102nd Sqn:
4x F4F-4 USS Hornet VF-3 "Felix the Cat" Sqn – CAP Diversion Fleet.

Lone Wolves:
F4F fighters from the USS Enterprise.

TeamSpeak Server
Will be the SEOWHQ TS Server at:
password: seow

Schedule for tonights mission (all times in GMT)

I have adopted the 69.GIAP's method of conducting the briefing at 30 minutes prior to mission start time after everybody has connected and selected their planes. I think its better then doing it before people are connected to the server.

19:00 Connection to the TS Server + IL2 Host and technical assistance.
19:20 Aircraft Selection, check loadouts, bomb delay, convergance, fuel, and markings.
19:30 Briefing on GUARD Channel in front of the IL2 Brief Map after plane selection.
19:45 Questions and Answers Session – GUARD Channel.
19:50 Final inter-squad coordination: Whispers on Channel Commanders between the flight commanders.
19:55 Sequence Queue Confirmation for Takeoff – GUARD Channel.
20:00 Hit FLY!

Cya all there, S!

watch your six, i'm behind you
חזור למעלה
טיסה לפרופיל הטייס שלח הודעה פרטית לטייס
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שליחת הודעה חדשה   תגובה להודעה    עמוד ראשי -> אי אל 2 כל הזמנים הם שעון ישראל (GMT + שעתיים)
עמוד 1 מתוך 1


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