יום ד' 28 ינואר, משימת לוב, נפגשים ב-TS בשעה 21:30 - פורומים - פריפלייט 
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 עמוד ראשי -> קמפיין הים התיכון -> יום ד' 28 ינואר, משימת לוב, נפגשים ב-TS בשעה 21:30

הפורום נעול. אינך יכול להוסיף הודעות, לכתוב תגובות ולערוך הודעות של עצמך   ההודעה נעולה. אינך יכול לכתוב תגובות או לערוך את ההודעה, אם אתה כתבת אותה
צפה בנושא הקודם :: צפה בנושא הבא  
מחבר הודעה
טיסות סדירות

הצטרף בתאריך: 23/07/2005
הודעות: 3593

הודעהנשלח: 21:48 ,28 ינואר 2009, ד'    כותרת הודעה: יום ד' 28 ינואר, משימת לוב, נפגשים ב-TS בשעה 21:30 תגובה עם ציטוט

תדריך מאת DEVILL מפקד טייסת 102 היוגוסלבית

Hi all,

I didn't have time to post a briefing yesterday, and since we had to postpone the mission, I have a chance to do it properly.
So, here goes:

The situation

We expect 2-3 major ground battles, at Gazala, Cauldron and AH/AI-14. Here will probably be the focal points of enemy air activity. We will be there also.
Currently, we are very short on fighters, and can put only 3 planes in the air from forward air bases. 4 additional fighters will be flying in from Cairo.
Therefore, after they make their bomb runs, A20C Bostons will be used as CAP in the area of our ground units. They must be ready to interfere with any attack made by Stukas and Hs129s, and they must endure any attacks from 109s until our fighters can respond.

This should be a general tactic for us: A20s mess with their ground attacks and lure enemy fighters low, while Hurricanes arrive on the scene ready to pounce on the enemy with an altitude advantage.

We shall delay the use of Hurricane IId tank busters, until we have enough fighters to put an effective cover. In the meantime, we must do the best we can to keep our ground units safe.

The flights:

1x Hurricane IIb (Tobruk)
1x Hurricane IIb (El Adhem)
1x Tomahawk IIa (Sidi Rezegh)

Meet over El Adhem and CAP the area WEST of there. Respond to calls from A20C flights and make 109s your priority. Priority points of defense are El Adhem and ground positions at Cauldron.

4x Hurricane IIb (air supply)

Fly as fast and as efficient as possible to Tobruk/El Adhem area and join other CAP flights. Watch your fuel. Recommended flight profile: 5500m, 2200 RPM, Boost 0.

2x A20C (El Adhem)
3x A20C (Burdiyah)

Fly to the front line and hit targets at Cauldron and AH14. Targets will be MOVING until 6AM. Friendly tanks are static and have a lighter greenish/sandbrown paintschemes. Friendly guns (25pdrs and 40mm) will be firing on them, so it can help you locate your targets. In the greater target area only supply columns are moving that are friendly, so do not engage those kind of targets unless they are clearly shooting at you. There is also a friendly tank force in AJ15 moving towards Acroma in the heading of around 030-045.
You will be armed with 1x1000 and 2x500 bombs, so you have 2 bomb runs each. Try to hit as best as you can, but don't risk your planes because you will be even more useful in disturbing enemy air attacks. Watch for your bomb delay settings.
Finally, remain near our positions as CAP against enemy bombers. Call in fighters and inform them of spotted enemy planes. If you see an attack on El Adhem, you are authorized to go there.

3x B24J (Sylum)

Attack factories in Dernah. Destroy everything so we don't have to go back there again. See the recon photo below with suspected targets.
After the attack expend any bombs left on targets of opportunity (at your discretion). AAA at Dernah field should be destroyed, but expect some AAA around factories. A low altitude bombing approach is recommended.
After your primary mission, contact the Sunderland flight and be on the lookout for 2 tanker sailing in the coastal waters from the NORTH. We suspect they will come from the Med sector, and will try to unload supplies at Dernah, La Bomba or at Gazala.
If they are spotted before your attack on factories, you can regard them as your PRIMARY targets.

1x Sunderland (air supply north)

Fly WEST and find enemy tankers, if they have arrived in our sector. Notify the B24 flight if you see them and need help dispatching them. This is your first priority. They must not be allowed to unload their cargo. Look for them at the north edge of the map and near Dernah, La Bomba or Gazala. Navigation is crucial for the success of this mission, so it would be good if you have some human gunners to help with that.
Your secondary targets are factories at Dernah (see recon photo below) or anything near your flight path. Watch for friendly units near Gazala.

1x C47

A Dakota is making a drop to our units near Gazala. If anyone wants it is is not a hidden flight. Just look at the waypoints and follow your radio compass.

1x Mosquito

I'll be taking this one on a morning tour of enemy airfields. If you see me don't shoot. But you will not see me, and neither will the enemy.

Final roster for tonight:

4x Hurricane IIb
1x Tomahawk IIa
2x A20C
1x Hurricane IId
1x Mosquito

IAF and 242nd can split following aircraft as they see fit:

3x B24J
3x A20C
1x Sunderland
2x Hurricane IIb

I think there is a nice briefing for everything either on the forum or in game.

See you all tonight.

חזור למעלה
טיסה לפרופיל הטייס שלח הודעה פרטית לטייס שלח הודעה במסנג'ר לטייס
הצג הודעות קודמות:   
הפורום נעול. אינך יכול להוסיף הודעות, לכתוב תגובות ולערוך הודעות של עצמך   ההודעה נעולה. אינך יכול לכתוב תגובות או לערוך את ההודעה, אם אתה כתבת אותה    עמוד ראשי -> קמפיין הים התיכון כל הזמנים הם שעון ישראל (GMT + שעתיים)
עמוד 1 מתוך 1


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