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Twister מדריך בית ספר לטיסה

הצטרף בתאריך: 01/09/2005 הודעות: 1958
נשלח: 22:57 ,22 ינואר 2009, ה' כותרת הודעה: יום ו' 23 בינואר משימה חוזרת הים התיכון, TS בשעה 22:00 |
נפגשים ב-TEAMSPEAK של טייסת 102 היוגוסלבית בכתובת סיסמה: vertikala
נא לוודא שהפעלתם אך ורק את History Mod ב-JSGME Mod Enabler.
6DOF ו-Advanced Engine Management חייבים להיות Disabled.
תדריך זירת ים התיכון מאת Cat:
Cat כתב: | SYNOPSIS.
Even though we dealt the enemy a severe blow last mission I wouldn't expect them to be short of aircraft just yet. I imagine that they will stick with their usual tactic of sending the fighters out first: to draw off our defences and find suitable targets for their bombers.
They will still be on the lookout for our ships, but again we don't have any on the map. They may well suspect this but even so will not want to take a chance. Both edges of the map will be be thoroughly recconnoitred by them.
It won't be long before they realise that the ships aren't there, thus their bombers will go for secondary targets - our airfields. I expect raids on both Malta and Libya.
Our restricted fighter numbers means that we can't put up a solid defence over either area for the whole two hours. I ask the fighter leaders to be as prudent as possible - avoid engaging enemy fighters and avoid taking off almost until the siren sounds. Our fighters are low-level specialists - keep out of the way of the 109s at altitude and deal with the bombers sneaking along the deck. Dive-bombers are an entirely different problem of course. Check the Axis planelist and plan accordingly.
Our bombers in this mission will be continuing on from last time, attempting to both recce the enemy's airfields and destroy anything and everything that they find.
Here we are:
IAF: Malta
3x Sea Hurricanes
2x A-20 Bostons
1 x PBY Catalina
102nd: El Adem
4x Tomahawk IIA
3x B-24 Liberators
242 Sqn: Sidi Rezegh
2x Beaufighters
3x Blenheim IV
The Bostons are to head west towards the narrows to search and destroy the suspected DDs that you reported last mission. If not found, or after they have been attacked, recce the Tunisian coast airfields from TUNISI to as far as TRIPOLI if possible. Be prepared to return to the defence of Malta if called in by the Hurricanes.
Hurricanes are to defend Malta from attack. To this end, given the Axis tactics, it may be prudent to stay on the ground as long as possible. Even then, perhaps, have only one fighter in the air until an attack materialises. Try to avoid contact with enemy fighters; the bombers are more important. Don't hesitate to call in the Bostons to augment the island's defences.
The Catalina is to recce the rest of the west coast of Italy - make sure that there are no nasty surprises waiting for us there. Just in case you find a tempting target you do have bombs on this.
The Liberators will complete the aborted attack on Misurata. High or low it's up to you. One thing to note: if you are short of pilots then don't take the lead plane. He has a set target of fuel tanks in Misurata. Apart from leading you there he should hit them; the AI are quite clinical.
Tomahawks are to defend Libya. The same conditions apply as to the Malta Hurricanes. Try and be in the air when the bombers arrive. Don't waste your fuel fruitlessly flying about when there is no activity.
242 Sqn
The Beaufighters will investigate and attack the suspected patrol boats between Libya and Greece, then carry on to Zakynthos. Along with the Blenheims they are to recce the southern Greek airfields. We will be bringing a convoy in from Alexandria soon, the more information we know about what they will face the better.
Any bombers coming across ships of DD class or larger, or merchant shipping, are to attack them so hold onto your bombs until you have a worthwhile target. Enemy aircraft and ships are our priorities. Infrastructure such as fuel and factories are to be taken out if no other target is found.
:cheers: Happy flying! |
צוות ניהול ראשי - פריפלייט
נערך בפעם אחרונה על-ידי Twister בתאריך 12:19 ,25 ינואר 2009, א', נערך בסך הכל 2 פעמים |
חזור למעלה |
fibola טיסות סדירות

הצטרף בתאריך: Nov 22, 2006 הודעות: 488
נשלח: 9:33 ,23 ינואר 2009, ו' כותרת הודעה: |
לא אוכל להגיע - יום שישי יש ארוחות משפחתיות ומחויבויות מסויימות.
אני לא מבין למה אין אף פעם תיאום לו"ז גם איתנו ושואלים זמנים נוחים לחברה הישראלים.
לפעמים זה נראה, כאילו אנחנו גלגל חמישי ......
22:00 זה לא אפשרי מבחינתי.
23:00 כבר נשמע יותר טוב. |
חזור למעלה |
Twister מדריך בית ספר לטיסה

הצטרף בתאריך: 01/09/2005 הודעות: 1958
חזור למעלה |
אתה לא יכול לשלוח הודעות בפורום זה אתה לא יכול להגיב להודעות בפורום זה אתה לא יכול לערוך את הודעותיך בפורום זה אתה לא יכול למחוק את הודעותיך בפורום זה אתה לא יכול להצביע למשאלים בפורום זה