מודים של הסימולטור - עמוד 4 - פורומים - פריפלייט 
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מדריך בית ספר לטיסה

הצטרף בתאריך: 01/09/2005
הודעות: 1958

הודעהנשלח: 16:30 ,8 נובמבר 2008, שבת    כותרת הודעה: תגובה עם ציטוט

לינק זמני לפאץ' D בפריפלייט:

ניתן להוריד מכאן

דרוש לכל מי שמעוניין להשתתף במשימת הבדיקה שתתקיים מחר, יום א' 9.11.08 בשעה 22:15.

צוות ניהול ראשי - פריפלייט
חזור למעלה
טיסה לפרופיל הטייס שלח הודעה פרטית לטייס
טיסות סדירות

הצטרף בתאריך: 23/07/2005
הודעות: 3593

הודעהנשלח: 22:35 ,24 דצמבר 2008, ד'    כותרת הודעה: תגובה עם ציטוט

שוחרר PATCH E !!!!!

חשוב: יש לוודא תחילה שה-MOD שלכם מעודכן ל-PATCH D לפני ההתקנה!!!!

איך בודקים?
כשמריצים את המשחק בתמונת הפתיחה כאשר הוא טוען את ה-% הראשוניים, ליד בצד שמאל תחתון כתוב על תווית לבנה:

נא להריץ ולוודא היטב.... ולשים לב לנתיב ההתקנה.... בהצלחה ! מגניב

Installation Instructions - Download

Step 1.) Download the Mod Patch E Installation Package

There is just one file to download

Mod_PATCH_E.EXE 483 Mb

There is, at present, just one way to download this package


The hash sums for the file are

MD5 - 2b13ad309e33d529c8fd581fbd1660d7
CRC32 - 947396ca


Step 2) The Installation

Once you have download all the files, execute the Mod_PATCH_E.EXE file by either double clicking on it, or right click and “open” it

Just follow the instructions on screen, it’s very simple

This version of the installer will read the registry entry for the folder you installed Patch B, C and D into and will install it into the same directory

The only screen you should be very careful of is when it detects (it reads the registry entry for the PE-2 update) and displays where your Modded IL-2 installation is. Make certain this is correct, this is where the Mod will be installed. Otherwise it will create the folder it has displayed and install the files there, and the Mod will not work

You do NOT need to run JSMGE to install the Patch. It will over write files in your IL-2 directory and will work the next time you run the Modded IL-2 version



History SFX Patch E


Patch E

If I could characterise this Patch, it is probably the 'Eastern Front' revisited, although there is a LOT Of other great content

There are many beautifully retextured cockpits so please take special note of these talented authors names

This gives many more old and new maps in the QMB and has some nice new features - eg Target:- Scramble mission

Add the following lines to the bottom of your Conf.ini


Not all of the maps have all target options available as yet. If you wish to add them, look in Files/Missions/Quicks at the mission templates and you can see the format to make them

To add a new map you have to add another conf.ini entry and have the minimum 2 XXRedNone00.mis XXBlueNone00.mis in your Files/Missions/Quick folder

Advanced engine management

This is OFF after installation, you can enable and disable it like 6do using JGSME
This is for players to test really, there may be a slight FPS hit with it but its very marginal

What this does

Engine warm up sequence
Ensure that you have turned magnetoes on. Start engine and idle for several minutes until your engine gets up to temperature (about 50o C). If you do not do this, you will see an 'Underheat' warning and will suffer engine damege

Advanced Engine Torque
Planes are effected a lot more realisticaly by engine Torque

Neg G engine damage
Aircraft performing negative G manouvres over sustained periods will get an 'oilpressure' warning and then will start to suffer engine damage.
(although WWII aircraft often had pressurised fuel systems and injection, the same was not true for the oil systems

Advanced engine management does not directly change Olegs FM's. It creates an overlay in effect that implements the above features. We could add it permanently in the long run (which would be more efficient.) however this method gives us the opportunity to test and evaluate without permanent commitment

I like it a LOT



Slovakia Winter map:- by may-bug

Slovenia Map:- by Zuti
Completely unexpected Xmas surprise

Detailed Philippines location names:- 352ndOscar from 352nd Virtual Fighter Group

Slot update 1.3:- by Team Pacific

Kiev Retextured:- by Avia.skins

Makin Atoll & Kwajalein by Avia.Skins Rus

I have really cleaned up the Map Gui.


New Gunfire flash Effects 2.1 by Vpmedia

Improved Tracers by ZG2Rainer Zufall

New Fire effects & Realistic Blackout by Fly

Bomb Bay Doors Version 2:- by Fireball
***This now works for all aircraft with bombdoors***
Map your power 10% key and it opens and closes your bombdoors.
(This is ON by default but you can turn it off with a conf.ini entry)
See enclosed readme because this also gives us the limited server views and allows you to map other keys if you wish.(seperate radiator open/close keys etc etc

Trouble shooting of manouvre code by Chap
I discovered an important file that was not as I expected so I worked through it, it contained the java to turn the ai nav lights off but also the entire FM routine, it had been really clumsily hacked (or possibly is from an earlier version of il2). So I replaced with a stock 4.08/09 version with a single entry to turn the lights off ! (it really seems to improve my performance and I am seeing a lot less 'shakey' behaviour. I also feel happier that I know that such an important bit of code is 99.99% Olegs now except for the ai nav light entry changed from ON to OFF. (let me know what you think, I feel that there is a definite improvement in speed and stability and I am fairly certain that this is the reason


New aircraft Classes (by Chameleon, BY_Rudy & Blitz at AviaSkins.com Russia

I-15 M-22, 1934 & I-15 M-25, 1937 = Early fixed wheeled I15's by Blitz

I-16 Type 5, 1935, I-16 Type 10, 1937, I-16 Type 17, 1938, I-16 Type 18 (2xBS), 1939, I-16 Type 27, 1939, I-16 Type 28, 1939 = 6 more Polikarpov variants. by Blitz

Yak-1 PF, 1942 = Yak-1 produced with M-105PF engine from spring 1942. Production ended winter 1942/43. by Chameleon

Yak-1 PF Light, 1942 = Special light modification of Yak-1 PF. Weight is reduced by 173 kgs, by removing machineguns/radio etc. Produced 20 aircrafts. 520 and 512 IAPs equipped in the summer of 1942. by Chameleon

Yak-1B early, 1942 = first modification of Yak-1B produced in autumn 1942. Poor flying parameters in Comparison with Yak-1B (late, in game). by Chameleon

Yak-9M early, 1944 = first Yak-9M(winter-spring 1944) equipped with M-105PF engine. (In game Yak-9M - latest, has M-105PF2 engine.) by Chameleon

Yak-9U early, 1944 = first Yak-9U's equipped with M-105PF2 engines because of shortfall in M-107 engine
Production. by Chameleon

Lagg Series 1, 1941 = First production run Lagg without Rocket Load outs by BY_Rudy

Lagg Series 11, 1941 = Lagg with Load out options with Nose VYa-23Cannon by BY_Rudy

La-5F early, 1942 = Early La-5F with M-82F engine. by Chameleon

Yak-9DD, 1944 = Yak-9DD long-range version of Yak. range ~2200 km, used for escort of long-range bombers, for example allied B-17 shuttle raids. Production 400 aircrafts. by Chameleon

MiG-3 field mod, 1941 = MiG-3 (1941) with wings of first series and shifted blister
MiG-3 Polykryshkin - with shifted blister. See his memories. by Chameleon

i16 Cockpit retextured by VP-Media, instruments by Mangas

Yak 1 Cockpit retextured by Mangas

MBR Gunner positions correctly names. Russian gun in top turret. by Chap

DB3's,il4 & SBM100's:- Gunner positions named correctly and positions updated with Russian guns. Glide
parameters, joystick sensitivity settings and Stall characteristics added to create player FMs. by Chap
***Note*** these only had 3 crew so the top gunner also mans the belly gun, make sure you put the top turret on Auto before switching. Nose gunner remains ai in SBM100's

DB3M runway Spawn Bug Fixed by Chap, thanks 4Shades


HurricaneIIa, 1940 = 8 machinegun version of Hurricane II, slightly better flight characteristics than b as a result. by Chameleon

Spitfire Va, 1941 = Early 8 machinegun version of Spitfire V. by Chameleon

P47 Cockpits retextured. by Taurus & Poncho

P51DNA Cockpit retextured. by Freddie

F6F Cockpits retextured. by Fly Zo

P40B & C retextured by bolox...his nickname and not a comment

B29 flyable added (lt Wolf), New cockpit & textures (B29 & B29SP) very nicely done by Ranwars
The B29 had remote controlled turrets so this aspect is not as far off as it may at first seem

RWD8 2.0 by Ranwars
Much improved external model

TBM-1 Avenger, 1942 = Early version with Unreliable Mk 13 Torpedo. New Cockpit, Working Bombsight & authentic Topgunner position. (Josse, Maraz, Gitano & Char Aznable.) Josse did a damned good job of the FM with this, his solution is much better than the one that I came up with

TBM-3 and TBF1C Avengers, 1943 = I re-referanced these aircraft to also use the above cockpits and created bombsight Java to make them consistant, also adopted most of the FM.
note tail gunner position now ai only, these aircraft are now very good and a substitute He111 position no longer cuts the mustard

B17 & B24, PBNY gunner positions now correctly named. Waist gunners added where possible and also fire
extinguishers. The B17D remains very weak, its problematic and should perhaps be made AI only ? by Chap

P36 Cockpit view corrected by Yu_Dacha


Bf-109E-1, 1939 :- Early machinegun only armed 109. (Poland, France, Early BOB) (Blitz)
made compatible with All Holes Solved (Hunn in the Sun), Chap

Bf-109G-10 orig, 1944 = Gustav-10 with correct weapons (no MK108 by default) and standard cannon
MG-151/20.(Chameleon) (made compatible with All Holes Solved (Hunn in the Sun), Chap

Bf-109G-14 orig, 1944 = Gustav-14 with correct weapons (no MK108 by default) and standard cannon
MG-151/20.(Chameleon) (made compatible with All Holes Solved (Hunn in the Sun), Chap

These 'orig' G10/14's without the default MK108 are more historical, Olegs versions of course are still there

FW190 D11 & D13, 1945= Very limited production final models ('46 add on really). Note the PC1000RS bomb
(rocket assisted). FatDuck & DrJones (3d Conversion) Waggle (Skin, Textures) Hunin (Class work & Fm)
Flushy (Cockpit Textures) Zorin (New 3D & Missions & new Weapons) MrJolly (New 3D) Fucida (Class Work)
Cpt Farrel (Texture work.)

He-111H-16, 1943 = Later version of Heinkel with improved load out options,Jumo211 F2 engine and improved Mg armament. (this is actually the aircraft from which the stock H6 incorrectly takes most of its load out options.) by BY_Rudy

He-111H-21, 1944 = Later version of Heinkel with Jumo213 E1 engine with MW50. Final large production run, 600 produced. This variant actually has the power to carry the larger bombloads. Impressive altitude performance.I added the PC1000RS into the load out as a 'poor'mans FritzX (these where tested using Heinkels) by Chap

Bf110 G4 Radar Antennae added by Ranwars

Cant1007bis & Breda65 given full load out options by Chap

Luftwaffe Ordinance:- Highly detailed bombs by Zorin


Ki-84b & c Cockpit repaint by 200th Sakagawa

Ki-21II Ventral gunner repositioned with Japanese gun by chap

H8K Gunner positions correctly named by Chap


B-29 Pilots notes

The B-29 is a very large and heavy aircraft, but very aerodynamic with less drag than other large aircraft in IL-2

Ground handling : The B-29 has long wings which stretch over both edges of the runway, so be careful not to strike aircraft or other objects parked near the edge of the runways. The Tricycle landing gear used with differential engine power allows for much easier and precise ground handling than other large aircraft in IL-2

Take Off : Being a large, heavy aircraft. the B-29 accelerates slowly. Leave yourself as much runway as possible, you will need it ! Rotate and climb at between 110 - 120 Mph. and retract wheels immediately. Retract flaps carefully in stages, the nose will drop as flaps retract so be sure you have enough altitude and avoid steep turns until you have reached 160-170 mph

Landing : Avoid steep landing approaches. Being a large and heavy aircraft, the B-29 will rapidly gain speed in a steep landing approach. Being very aerodynamic, it will not rapidly lose speed when you flare. A steep landing approach will result in you over shooting the threshold of the runway and touching down up to two thirds of the way down the runway and being unable to stop before running out of runway

The best approach to landing the B-29, is a long, low, flat approach. On the approach at approx. 1 mile out, you should be at 1000 ft. and between 130 - 140 mph., with full flaps and gear down and approx. 25-30 % power. Then gradually descend aiming at the runway threshold. Touch down is at 120 mph

Caution when flaring ; you need to pull the stick all the way back to flare. The B-29 requires full elevators at low speed to flare, BUT if you hold the stick full back on touchdown you will get a large bounce back into the air, so move the stick back to neutral on touch down. The Tricycle landing gear allows you to use maximum braking immediately and it will stop quite quickly for such a large plane


Updated Stationary aircraft-
added in all of the vital ones although not necessarily new subclasses of existing aircraft. Chap
Following formations added to regiments:- Brandle & Chap

43 BBAP 220 DBAP 221 DBAP 222 DBAP
514 PBAP

Stab, I., II./SKG 210 for Barbarossa Bf-110's

LAL_Fortifications - LAL_Rhone
Lots of new trenches, tents, emplacements and bunker objects for different environments. Beautiful work.

Updated 'Artillery' CoastalBunkers for Summer/winter/desert using LAL_Rhones skins - Chap

AAA guns on trains and in Columns no longer use the old German 20mm (lag inducing) and have been updated to the new versions
a request from Brandle

Included are the current graphics dll's and also 5 later 4.09 specific dll's. If you wish to experiment replace those in your il2 Sturmovik 46 folder. The results are fairly graphics card dependant so I have included the original version included in the first installer of the mod (safe dll's)

*** Bug report*** A note on the Patch D Infantry
The infantry work offline and in some circumstances online but there is a problem with them and il2's security check EVEN if the host is not running checkruntime

Offline you can use them fine

Online you cannot join a mission containing infantry and get Checkruntime=1

However if players have already joined the host (before a mission containing infantry)..and the host then switches to the mission containing infantry it works ok. So this is a workaround if you want to experiment

This is not ideal and we are looking for a fix

Something for everyone I hope, Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah
242Sqn_Chap and Charlie
חזור למעלה
טיסה לפרופיל הטייס שלח הודעה פרטית לטייס שלח הודעה במסנג'ר לטייס
מדריך בית ספר לטיסה
מדריך בית ספר לטיסה

הצטרף בתאריך: 01/09/2005
הודעות: 1958

הודעהנשלח: 11:25 ,26 דצמבר 2008, ו'    כותרת הודעה: תגובה עם ציטוט

שימו לב כולם, הקמפיין עכשיו בהפוגה קצרה.

נצלו את הזמן כדי להתארגן על פאץ' E, אנחנו נשתמש בו כשנחזור לטוס. חובה להוריד ולהתקין!

צוות ניהול ראשי - פריפלייט
חזור למעלה
טיסה לפרופיל הטייס שלח הודעה פרטית לטייס
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שליחת הודעה חדשה   תגובה להודעה    עמוד ראשי -> אי אל 2 כל הזמנים הם שעון ישראל (GMT + שעתיים)
עמוד 4 מתוך 4


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