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ViFF טיסות סדירות

הצטרף בתאריך: 23/07/2005 הודעות: 3593
נשלח: 17:30 ,18 ספטמבר 2008, ה' כותרת הודעה: |
לא מדובר כאן במוד של אתר AAA ! אלו שני מודים שונים!
המוד שלנו נקרא HISTORY FSX והוא של טייסת 242 ו-102, ועובד רק על השרת שלהם.
את המוד העיקרי (עשרה קבצים) מורידים בלינקים בהודעה הראשונה, ורק משם.
מריצים, ואז מתקינים את PATCH A ואחריו את PATCH B.
תצטרך למחוק ולהתקין את הכל מחדש.
חזור למעלה |
Setup בוגר בית ספר לטיסה

הצטרף בתאריך: 27/05/2005 הודעות: 510 מיקום: נתניה
חזור למעלה |
ViFF טיסות סדירות

הצטרף בתאריך: 23/07/2005 הודעות: 3593
נשלח: 22:29 ,19 ספטמבר 2008, ו' כותרת הודעה: |
אני מנסה למצוא פתרון לבעיית ההורדה של PATCH B |
חזור למעלה |
ViFF טיסות סדירות

הצטרף בתאריך: 23/07/2005 הודעות: 3593
נשלח: 22:33 ,19 ספטמבר 2008, ו' כותרת הודעה: |
היכונו ל- PATCH C אשר ישוחרר בקרוב מאד!!!
History SFX Patch C.
Shippack 2.0
New collection of ships and rationalisation of the others FC and Archie
Work that will be used again and again I am sure
Note however
that the structure is slightly differant, better I think, but requires a little maintenance first, so open any missions that you have made with the new ships before installing this Patch and change them to stock types...then after installing this patch...you can then alter their types back to the most relevant
SPECIAL thanks to FC for the help that he has given me in getting to grips with understanding the Java that was required for most of the below.
64 Player CO-OP function enabled FC & LesniHU
This should make a big difference in future, Pure genius in 6k
You will have to launch (>32 player) co-ops from a DF room in HL
6do Mod included (sHr)
This is OFF after installation. You have to enable it using JGSME.
remember that many people do not even have TIR
The server will have this off usually so remember to disable before joining. But it is now an option for off-line and when groups wish to use it by agreement
Lybia N E map (Tobruk) by (LAL_Bada)
Fantastic dessert map, the map that we had all been waiting for, lovely detailing and very fast open map
dlv_Phillipines (delviper)
New Phillipines Map hot off the press, Very large map that achieves this with simple texturing. I have yet to really look at this however it should be a great addition for the pacific theatre
NTL_Darwin (by Neil Lowe)
A map representing Darwin, Australia from 1942-43. 4x Allied bases & 2x Axis bases. Includes a fictional offshore Axis base/island in the north-west corner of the map
ffb_Thailand-EastBurma_Indo_China Map (FabianFred)
A Far Eastern map on an Epic scale !. A real labour of love here. Note the new tree types and objects. A Really different feel to this, Note however this map is SO large that unless you have a reasonable amount of memory (2GB + ?), you will find it slow and probably get low Frame Rates. Primarily for Off-line AVG enthusiasts with good PC's
BP_Midway (Panzerkeil)
Stock Midway map remade but populated from a very good template that was made a while ago. Good for some future co-ops I think (as an encoded map will load much quicker and play more smoothly than one with the same objects placed in the mission file)
New Treeline tree textures by VPmedia
Texturing and eye candy
Train Mod (LAL_Rhone)
Stunning rework of some of the ingame trains
Hanger pack 2.0 (LAL_Rhone)
Over 100 new buildings, hangers and other useful objects by the master
Improved sound samples and pre-sets for the Mercury, Nakajima, Packard Merlin, r2600, vk107
From the SFX 0.8 package by (SG_Wasi.)
Fiesler Stork removed as a flyable (Yes it was horrible !!! )
Italian Aircraft:-
Cant.1007bis has its own class and works as a 3 engined aircraft !
Two variants,
Cant Z1007bis Level bomber variant.
Cant Z1007t A torpedo bomber version (a historical but represents SM79 until we get a true 3d model. Its closer than anything else in almost all ways.)
Aspects of this aircraft are still rough (load outs & of course engine modelling to the cockpit is currently impossible as it would require a new one with 3 sets of dials) however the java structure is coming together and it will get much better in future so I have included it as its very important for the SEOW we envisage and now slots are there for development.
I have put completely new and more immersive gunner positions in place, given the plane safat Italian guns and Piaggio engines and rewritten much of the java.
(note:- I forgot to include an updated cockpit .him file so the dials are incorrectly positioned...I can post this or certainly include it in the hotfix and it will be in a later patch as will many other improvements)
(The Cants owe their existence to the very innovative work of Ranwars at a time when capability was quite limited.)
Breda ba65 bis, This 1936 aircraft is well past its sell by date but its interesting.It was really underpowered and used primarily as a reconaissance aircraft after 1940.
Currently this is an R10 with new FM & guns which looks very similar, However in future I plan to add a G50 cockpit with a telescopic sight and alter the turret internaly and externaly (early marks didn't have a turret but had 4 wing guns) (chap).
The design was taken from the Sikorsky P35 (same design progression as P36, P40 and even the P47) although it has a Piaggio engine, Italian Cockpit & guns and has a very Italian feel about it. Uses LAL_Rhones Curtiss Hawk FM as basis but with Piaggio engine.
Fortunately for the Allies the Italian government initially rejected it for political reasons and by the time it was produced , it was outclassed. (Chap)
(Pordi is doing a Hungarian Version of the cockpit, the Hungarians built 200 of them under licence and nicknamed them 'Rata Killer'...with luck we may even see a new 3d external in the long run.)
Allied Aircraft:-
Beaufighter MkI. (Chap)
This had a Hercules III engine so has 900hp less power (FM references different engines to the MkX and 21 but otherwise is Olegs). A night fighter and then used by Coastal forces for anti shipping duties.MkI cannot carry torpedoes or rockets and has a much lighter bombload. There is an observer position but no rear gun.
Skins by VPmedia
SeaHurricane. (Chap)
Hurricane MkI with naval landing Hook (animated). Old RAF hand me downs basically, they operated at higher boost pressure on 100o fuel than the standard in game MKI. ( Olegs FM , a little heavier and references the 100o engine of the SPit MKI (both types had Merlin MK III 100o boost).
Skins by VPmedia
Hurricane MK1b (Chap)
A true RAF 100o variant. Olegs FM but references the Merlin MK III 100o boost like the SpitfireMkI (by Hunnin).
Seafire MKII and MKII LF. (Veltro & Gitano)
These where adapted from Spitfire MKV's and did not have folding wings, first saw action in operation Torch.
External model beautifully adapted.
Spitfire MkVc FB CLF & CLF CLP and MKVIIIFB and VIIICLPFB.( Veltro & Gitano).
+Vc cockpit position fixed. These are really useful historic ground attack variants.
Tempest 11lb and 13lb boost variants.
This is a hybrid between UFF_Josse (Engine FM & Load outs) & (Hunnin (FM). I think this is the best set of options.
Glass nose position and Norden Bomb sight added to Blenheim IV. (=BY=Rudy)
Altitude now in feet as it should be.
Final version 1.3 of P47 gun sights (Poncho) (really outstanding work this is)
Mosquito XVI updated to version 1.7 (Mr Jolly) to fix FM problem and prop spinners.
I have used a FM by LAL_Josse as IMO it is better.
P36's now all reference the full CurtissHawk FM's by LAL_Josse (but I removed all of his new guns in all aircraft and re-referenced stock ones).
C47 added as a flyable. (Lt Wolf and Mr Peacelovin Hippy)
This is to allow players to take advantage of a new Supply drop feature in SEOW.
Mosquito MKIV(recon) added as a flyable. (Lt Wolf and Mr Peacelovin Hippy)
I spent a lot of time trying to get the TBF & TBM FM's half reasonable, they are still very Torquee but a lot better I hope. Added US guns to the turrets.
Axis Aircraft:-
Bf109 F2 & F4 jabo Class added into game (Veltro & Gitano).
Axis pilots are going to like the drop tanks and Load out options. (beta..LOD of ordinance is apparently not perfect yet but better to have them)
Skins by Vpmedia
FW190_A2 & A3 FM's are now basically Olegs A4 but with different weights and engine types referenced. (far more consistent with what there already is.)
Ju52 added as a flyable. (Lt Wolf and Mr Peacelovin Hippy)
This is to allow Axis players to take advantage of a new Supply drop feature in SEOW.
(its not very good but there are only limited options to choose from currently)
Askania gyro gun sight added to Ta-183 (Mr Jolly)
Created new Java classes to separate HS129 from bf109Z and allow the use of the later (Chap)
Japanese Aircraft:-
G4M2 and Okha added as a flyable. (Lt Wolf and Mr Peacelovin Hippy)
B5N2 Kate & B6N2 Jill made flyable s. (Lt Wolf and Mr Peacelovin Hippy)
I have done some work on these as the original reason I did not include them was the really poor rear gunner position, this I replaced with the Vals which is near perfect, Its not visually obvious and the external model is incorrect (Ic I am afraid), but the rear gunner has a twin mount encoded (historic) so the rate of fire is pretty high.
Bombsight did not work so I removed this position, this Will not affect AI, or frustrate players.
Folding wings clipping cockpit on deck corrected on B5N2 Kate.
New default skins reworked but originally by IFE
(use the (flyable) skins or default skins for rear turret skin mapping if you are going to fly these or the texture mapping is 'colourful' from the rear cockpit position.)
'Philosopy' Section
Blenheims, Me210's HS129, B17's, B24, Fw200, A5M4, H8K, PBNY, MBR, AR196, TBF TBM B5N2 & B6N2 ai made flyable s have more advanced player flyable FM's.
We have NOT touched any of Olegs player flyable FM's in any way whatsoever and NEVER WILL.
I arrived at these solutions by comparison with the most similar Player flyables, real life data and then interpolating between. I changed as little as possible, primarily:-
i) Adding a 'player flyable' glide rate (important for landing and stall).ai planes don't have this.
ii) Altering the control responsiveness values to that of Olegs nearest Player equivalents as ai planes do not use this (no joysticks) although its fundamental to a player (and the default was akin to an I15 for most ai aircraft !) ...
iii) Tweaking the stall parameter which ai planes do have but it is set to a value that made stalling near impossible (ai planes don't stall).
IV) Some aircraft also needed an increased terminal velocity as the ai aircraft have this set much lower than equivalents player flyable s (eg me110c) as the ai do not suffer penalty/or don't exceed it so it was never really considered.
The main difference tends to be the feeling of 'weight' and Takeoff and Landing are now more equivalent to Olegs Planes, also most can now convincingly stall. Carrier aircraft are still pretty Torquee but I am very proud of the Kate now
I did a more thorough rework of a few specific aircraft, All of the ai heavy 4 engined planes shared exactly the same FM and had not been given even specific weight or wing area data , they have now. Some I have had too little time for and need more attention...others have not been looked at and should be.. it needs to be an ongoing process.
Vital was that the ai would function properly, they seem fine from testing so far (the ai is fine with player flight models...its just that 1C never needed to go into that level of detail for the ai only aircraft that we can now fly.).
To have a 'blanket rule' about flight models when the ai made flyable s were almost unusable in many cases makes no sense in terms of having the best il2 that we can have.
Olegs player FM's remain 'Sacred' of course and always will.
The intention here is simply to make the ai made flyable s consistent with Olegs other aircraft, please do your own tests and see how you think that we have done ...and if you have CONSTRUCTIVE feedback, list it and tell us as we can do our best over time to find the optimum.
If you hate what we have done, don't use it and fly the ai FM's...if you have really strong opinions please back them up and this can be constructive, even offer to do some work and testing (as it take ages and ages....? )
SKINS INCLUDED AND NETCACHE FILES for Mediterranean Multisector SEOW campaign.
Known bugs:-
TBF1c if selected as RAF has a corrupt cockpit, it is ok as US. Select the TBM for RAF and it is fine. (this is an OLD Sound Mod bug that is documented but people should be aware of it.)
The Cant has a few to be honest but still WIP (but too important not to include for coming SEOW).
I have done my best to list everything that has been done here but there has been so much that there are certainly things that I have forgotten. This Patch really gets into the 'guts' of il2 and, I think, launches what we are doing to new heights. There is a lot of material here that is unique and unavailable anywhere else...and as a whole...well we can all be the judge of that..
Patch 1c
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Setup בוגר בית ספר לטיסה

הצטרף בתאריך: 27/05/2005 הודעות: 510 מיקום: נתניה
חזור למעלה |
ViFF טיסות סדירות

הצטרף בתאריך: 23/07/2005 הודעות: 3593
נשלח: 2:13 ,20 ספטמבר 2008, שבת כותרת הודעה: |
תודה רון, עדכנתי את הלינקים להורדה בהודעה הראשונה של מיכה.
עכשיו הכל עובד כמו שצריך!
שוב תודה!
נערך בפעם אחרונה על-ידי ViFF בתאריך 2:21 ,20 ספטמבר 2008, שבת, נערך סך הכל פעם אחת |
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IAF.101-Viper טיסות סדירות

הצטרף בתאריך: May 11, 2006 הודעות: 638
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Iaf_Assaf מנהל ראשי

הצטרף בתאריך: Sep 02, 2006 הודעות: 3448
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Twister מדריך בית ספר לטיסה

הצטרף בתאריך: 01/09/2005 הודעות: 1958
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Iaf_Assaf מנהל ראשי

הצטרף בתאריך: Sep 02, 2006 הודעות: 3448
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Iaf_Assaf מנהל ראשי

הצטרף בתאריך: Sep 02, 2006 הודעות: 3448
חזור למעלה |
ViFF טיסות סדירות

הצטרף בתאריך: 23/07/2005 הודעות: 3593
נשלח: 19:46 ,24 ספטמבר 2008, ד' כותרת הודעה: |
יש כנראה בעיה עם corruption של הקובץ, כנראה שהבעיה לא אצלך אלא בחברת rapidshare.
אנחנו עובדים על פתרון של העלאת ואחסון המוד באתר preflight בתקווה שזה יפתור את בעיות ה-corruption.
לסיכום: הבעיה ידועה, סבלנות אנחנו עובדים על זה, וזה יקח כמה ימים לפתור.
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Iaf_Assaf מנהל ראשי

הצטרף בתאריך: Sep 02, 2006 הודעות: 3448
חזור למעלה |
ViFF טיסות סדירות

הצטרף בתאריך: 23/07/2005 הודעות: 3593
נשלח: 23:47 ,26 ספטמבר 2008, ו' כותרת הודעה: |
djmid כתב: | חחח אני לא מצליח להתקין את A אתה כבר מפרסם לי את C חחחח |
באיזה שלב הוא נתקע? בהתקנה של החבילה הבסיסית או אחד הפאטצ'ים?
חזור למעלה |
Iaf_Assaf מנהל ראשי

הצטרף בתאריך: Sep 02, 2006 הודעות: 3448
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אתה לא יכול לשלוח הודעות בפורום זה אתה לא יכול להגיב להודעות בפורום זה אתה לא יכול לערוך את הודעותיך בפורום זה אתה לא יכול למחוק את הודעותיך בפורום זה אתה לא יכול להצביע למשאלים בפורום זה