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falcononeone טיסות סדירות

הצטרף בתאריך: Nov 23, 2006 הודעות: 2443 מיקום: אזור ב"ש
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CataliZe טיסות סדירות

הצטרף בתאריך: Apr 25, 2007 הודעות: 169 מיקום: תיכף חצרים
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747 טיסות סדירות

הצטרף בתאריך: Oct 21, 2006 הודעות: 1663
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liron93 טיסות סדירות

הצטרף בתאריך: Dec 24, 2007 הודעות: 101
נשלח: 19:33 ,13 ינואר 2008, א' כותרת הודעה: |
עצוב מאוד
תודה על השיתוף... |
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avi69 טיסות סדירות

הצטרף בתאריך: Mar 05, 2008 הודעות: 3 מיקום: חיפה
נשלח: 16:59 ,18 מרץ 2008, ג' כותרת הודעה: |
אחחח מזעזע ועצוב לשמוע... יהי זכרם ברוך!!!  |
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Fox5inbound טיסות סדירות

הצטרף בתאריך: Nov 11, 2007 הודעות: 767
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4X-CEA טיסות סדירות

הצטרף בתאריך: Jun 01, 2007 הודעות: 277
נשלח: 18:01 ,18 מרץ 2008, ג' כותרת הודעה: |
וואו... מישהו פה הקפיץ הודעה שלפני הרבה זמן :S ירון.
טייס CVFR, IFR, ATPL ומסוקים.
מסנג'ר: Yaroon013@hotmail.com |
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אסימון טיסות סדירות

הצטרף בתאריך: Jul 19, 2006 הודעות: 1014 מיקום: שעה שש.. כרגיל.
נשלח: 16:33 ,25 מרץ 2008, ג' כותרת הודעה: |
19:27:56 CREW: El Al 1862, Mayday, Mayday, we have an emergency.
19:28:00 ATC: El Al 1862, roger. Break, KLM 237, turn left heading 090.
19:28:06 ATC: El Al 1862, do you wish to return to Schiphol?
19:28:09 CREW: Affirmative, Mayday, Mayday, Mayday.
19:28:11 ATC: Turn right heading 260, field eh ... behind you eh ... in your to the west eh ... distance 18 miles.
19:28:17 CREW: Roger, we have fire on engine number number 3, we have fire on engine number 3.
19:28:22 ATC: Roger, heading 270 for downwind.
19:28:24 CREW: 270 downwind.
19:28:31 ATC: El Al 1862, surface wind 040 at 21 knots.
19:28:35 CREW: Roger.
19:28:45 CREW: El Al 1862, lost number 3 and number 4 engine, number 3 and number 4 engine.
19:28:50 ATC: Roger, 1862.
19:28:54 CREW: What will be the runway in use for me at Amsterdam?
19:28:57 ATC: Runway 6 in use, sir. Surface wind 040 at 21 knots, QNH 1012.
19:29:02 CREW: 1012, we request 27 for landing.
19:29:05 ATC: Roger, can you call Approach now, 121.2 for your line-up?
19:29:08 CREW: 121.2, bye bye.
19:29:08 ATC: Bye.
19:29:25 CREW: Schipol, El Al 1862, we have an emergency, eh ... we're number t ... eh ... 3 and 4 engine inoperative [badly readable, probably: "intending" or "returning"] landing.
19:29:32 ATC: El Al 1862, roger, copied about your emergency, contact 118.4 for your line-up.
19:29:39 CREW: 118.4, bye.
19:29:49 CREW: Schiphol, El Al 1862, we have an emergency, number 3 and number 4 engine inoperative, request 27 for landing.
19:29:58 ATC: You request 27, in that case heading 360, 360 the heading, descend to 2,000 feet on 1012, mind, the wind is 050 at 22.
19:30:10 CREW: Roger, can you say again the wind please?
19:30:12 ATC: 050 at 22.
19:30:14 CREW: Roger, what heading for Runway 27?
19:30:16 ATC: Heading 360, heading 360 and [then] give you a right turn on, to cross the localizer first, and you've got only seven miles to go from present position.
19:30:25 CREW: Roger, 36 copied.
19:31:17 ATC: El Al 1862, what is the distance you need to touchdown?
19:31:27 CREW: 12 miles final we need for landing.
19:31:30 ATC: Yeah, how many miles final ... eh correction ... how many miles track miles you need?
19:31:40 CREW: ... Flap one ... we need ... eh ... a 12 miles final for landing.
19:31:43 ATC: Okay, right right heading 100, right right heading 100.
19:31:46 CREW: Heading 100.
19:32:15 ATC: El Al 1862, just to be sure, your engines number 3 and 4 are out?
19:32:20 CREW: Number 3 and 4 are out and we have ... eh ... problems with our flaps.
19:32:25 ATC: Problem with the flaps, roger.
19:32:37 CREW: Heading 100, El Al 1862.
19:32:39 ATC: Thank you, 1862.
19:33:00 CREW: Okay, heading ... eh ... and turning, eh ... maintaining.
19:33:05 ATC: Roger, 1862, your speed is?
19:33:10 CREW: Say again?
19:33:12 ATC: Your speed?
19:33:13 CREW: Our speed is ... eh ... 260.
19:33:15 ATC: Okay, you have around 13 miles to go to touchdown, speed is all yours, you are cleared to land Runway 27.
19:33:21 CREW: Cleared to land 27.
19:33:37 ATC: El Al 1862, a right right turn heading 270 adjust on the localizer, cleared for approach.
19:33:44 CREW: Right, right 270.
19:34:18 ATC: El Al 1862, you're about to cross the localizer due to your speed, continue the right turn heading 290, heading 290, 12 track miles to go, 12 track miles to go.
19:34:28 CREW: Roger, 290.
19:34:48 ATC: El Al 1862, further right, heading 310, heading 310.
19:34:52 CREW: 310.
19:34:58 ATC: El Al 1862, continue descent 1,500 feet, 1,500.
19:35:03 CREW: 1,500, and we have a controlling problem.
19:35:06 ATC: You have a controlling problem as well, roger.
19:35:25 CREW: Going down 1862, going down, going down, copied going down. [Background: "Raise all the flaps, all the flaps raise, lower the gear."]
19:35:47 ATC: Yes, El Al 1862, your heading
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