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afik_t_king טיסות סדירות

הצטרף בתאריך: Oct 25, 2006 הודעות: 5846
נשלח: 13:34 ,18 אפריל 2007, ד' כותרת הודעה: פצצת MOAB |
פצצת MOAB היא בעצם הדף, שהפיצוץ שלה יוצר גל הדף ענק, ובעצם מעיף כל דבר בטווח גדול.
~דרך אגב הMOAB היא הפצצה הקונבציונלית (הלא גרעינית) הכי חזקה~
והנה עוד קצת מידע על הפצצה האדירה הזאת-
The MOAB (Massive Ordinance Air Burst) is new big brother to the BLU-82B (Daisy Cutter) bomb. It is
dropped from the back of theC-130 AC with parachute and then precision guided by GPS to target.
The weapon is dropped from a MC-130 since it is far too heavy for the bomb racks on any bomber. It is
detonated by a 38in extender mounted to the nose fuze, optimized to create little or no crater. Minimum
release altitude is 6,000ft due to blast effects.
In Desert Storm 11 BLU-82s were dropped. Initially to clear mines but since no reliable dabage
assessments exists on mine clearing effectiveness later bombs were dropped for both psychological
effect as for antipersonnel effects.
והנה יותר מידע, וגם תמונות מהטלת הפצצה ועוד....
GBU-43/B "Mother Of All Bombs"
MOAB - Massive Ordnance Air Blast Bomb
The GBU-43/B is large, powerful and accurately delivered. high explosive. The GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast Bomb [MOAB] weapon is a 21,000 lbs total weight GPS-guided munition with fins and inertial gyro for pitch and roll control. MOAB is a guided bomb which delivers the 18,700 lb BLU-120/B warhead bomb with KMU-593/B GPS/INS. The MOAB is the largest-ever satellite-guided, air-delivered weapon in history [not the largest ever, but the largest satellite guided]. The 21,600-pound MOAB is an improved replacement for the unguided 15,000-pound BLU-82 Daisy Cutter. It is 30 feet long with a diameter of 40.5 inches. The warhead is a blast-type warhead. It was developed in only nine weeks to be available for the Iraq campaign, but it was not used in combat.
The 21,700-pound [9,500 kilogram] bomb contains 18,700 pounds of H6, an explosive that is a mixture of RDX (Cyclotrimethylene trinitramine), TNT, and aluminum. H6 is used by the military for general purpose bombs. H6 is an Australian produced explosive composition. Composition H6 is a widely used main charge filling for underwater blast weapons such as mines, depth charges, torpedoes and mine disposal charges. HBX compositions (HBX-1, HBX-3, and H6) are aluminized (powdered aluminum) explosives used primarily as a replacement for the obsolete explosive, torpex. They are employed as bursting charges in mines, depth bombs, depth charges, and torpedoes. HBX-3 and H-6 have lower sensitivity to impact and much higher explosion test temperatures than torpex. The MOAB weapon produces a very large explosive blast, with lesser fragmentation effects due to a thin-walled aluminum casing.
Contrary to some published claims, it most certainly is not an Ethylene-Oxide Fuel-Air Explosive (FAE). Some initial reports had stated that this replacement for the BLU-82 bomb uses more of the slurry of ammonium nitrate and powdered aluminum used in the BLU-82. Other reports indicated that the MOAB might use tritonal explosive as opposed to the gelled slurry explosive of the BLU-82. Contrary to some reports, it is not capable of deep ground penetration.
Like the BLU-82, the MOAB rests in a cradle on an airdrop platform inside a C-130 aircraft. Due to the size of the ordnance, the item is extracted from either an MC-130 Talon II or “Slick” C-130 Hercules by way of a parachute. A drogue parachute extracts the weapon, cradle and platform—and the weapon is quickly released to maintain maximum forward momentum. The grid fins then open and begin guiding the weapon to its target.
The MOAB weapon is based upon the same principle as the BLU-82 “Daisy Cutter”, except that it is larger and has a guidance system. The weapon is expected to produce a tremendous explosion that would be effective against hard-target entrances, soft-to-medium surface targets, and for anti-personnel purposes. Because of the size of the explosion, it is also effective at LZ clearance and mine and beach obstacle clearance. Injury or death to persons will be primarily caused by blast or fragmentation. It is expected that the weapon will have a substantial psychological effect on those who witness its use. The massive weapon provides a capability to perform psychological operations, attack large area targets, or hold at-risk threats hidden within tunnels or caves.
The weapon is intended to have a high altitude release, allowing for greater stand-off range for the delivery vehicle. Following deployment from the aircraft via drogue parachute, the MOAB weapon is guided approximately 3 nautical miles through a GPS system (with inertial gyros for pitch and roll control), JDAM actuators, and is stabilized by series of fixed wings and grid fins. The weapon, which uses the aircraft’s GPS prior to launch, takes several seconds to reconnect to the GPS signal after it has been deployed, which is normal for GPS weapons.
The US Air Force developed the satellite-guided Massive Ordnance Air Blast Bombs (MOAB) as a successor to the the 15,000-lb. "Daisy Cutters" used in Vietnam and Afghanistan. The Air Force is said to call MOABs (pronounced MOE-ab) the Mother Of All Bombs. As with the earlier Daisy Cutter, these huge bombs are dropped out of the rear of the C-130 cargo plane. Unlike the Daisy Cutter, the MOAB falls to the ground without the use of a retarding parachute. As a result, the aircraft releasing the bomb can fly at higher altitudes, thus making it safer for US pilots.
MOAB Chronology
In early 2002, the AF Munitions Directorate began to investigate the possibility of upgrading the large BLU-82 weapon with a guidance and control capability. Such an upgrade would allow the delivery aircraft to fly higher for better survivability and safety from the weapon’s blast. It would also give the weapon greater range and accuracy, opening the door to additional target sets. After several design iterations gave the weapon a more aerodynamic shape, the current configuration of the MOAB was born. Work on the program began in 2002 and was set for completion in 2003.
Within nine months, the MOAB program went from development contract award to the completion of three highly successful flight tests. During the flight tests, the MOAB detonated upon contact with the ground. The program culminated in the successful demonstration of a suite of technologies supporting large weapons.
Testing began at Eglin as part of an Air Force Research Lab Technology Demonstration Project. With support from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, Natick Army Soldier Center, Naval Coastal Systems Station- Panama City, Air Transportation Test Loading Agency, Detachment 1 of the 46th Test Wing at Hurlburt Field, and Dynetics, Inc., directorate engineers rapidly and successfully designed, fabricated, integrated, and tested the huge MOAB weapon.
On 11 March 2003 he Air Force tested its Massive Ordnance Air Blast (MOAB) weapon at the Eglin Air Force Base Air Armament Center's western test range, dropped from a C-130.
Eglin Air Force Base's Air Armament Center conducted the second live test of the largest conventional bomb in the US inventory at approximately 2:30 p.m. EST 21 November 2003. Designated the GBU-43/B, the 21,700-pound bomb was launched from an MC-130E Combat Talon I aircraft flown by a crew assigned to Eglin's 46th Test Wing. One objective was to collect more data and provide it to the user to assist in targeting. Also, the Air Force wanted to certify MOAB on the Combat Talon I aircraft as previous launches had been made from the MC-130 Combat Talon II.
MOAB and the Laws Of Armed Conflict LOAC
The Judge Advocate General of the Air Force ensures that all weapons being acquired or modified by the Air Force are reviewed for legality under international law prior to their use in a conflict. AFI 51-402 defines “weapons” as devices designed to kill, injure, or disable people, or to damage or destroy property. Based upon this definition, the MOAB is a weapon and requires a legal review. This review’s conclusions are based on the facts contained herein. Any weapon that varies from the technical descriptions included in this review must be the subject of a separate legal review.
There is no agreed definition of unnecessary suffering. Whether a weapon causes unnecessary suffering turns on whether the injury, including death, to combatants is disproportionate to the military advantage gained by use of the weapon. The effect of a weapon must be weighed in light of levels of injury to enemy combatants by comparable, lawful weapons in use on the modern battlefield. The critical factor is whether the suffering is needless or disproportionate to the military advantage secured by the weapon, not the degree of suffering itself.
The MOAB weapon kills by way of blast or fragmentation. Blast and fragmentation are historic and common anti-personnel effects in lawful military weapons. There are no components that would cause unnecessary suffering. The explosive ingredient H6 is a widely-used explosive that is typical for weapons of this type. The components RDX and TNT do have some potential toxic effects from long-term exposure, but these are limited and within US government tolerance levels. The potential psychological effect of the weapon does not constitute suffering. The intent is to demoralize or frighten the enemy by impressing them with the large footprint, resulting cloud, and tremendous noise of the explosion.
A fundamental principle of the LOAC is that combatants must be distinguished from noncombatants and civilians. Only combatants, other persons posing a threat to the force, and military objectives can be legitimately targeted. Indiscriminate, or “blind,” weapons are prohibited. Indiscriminate weapons are those that are as likely to hit civilians and non-combatants as well as combatants. If noncombatants are in the area or intermingled with combatants, normal LOAC analysis will be followed to ensure that collateral damage and injuries are limited. Although the MOAB weapon leaves a large footprint, it is discriminate and requires a deliberate launching towards the target. The MOAB weapon does have grid fins that allow for a maximum of a one mile radius of correction control in the event of delivery errors. Grid fins were chosen over solid fins because they require less torque to maneuver the weapon. The grid fins deflect as directed by the guidance algorithms in the weapon to keep it on course to the target coordinates. The guidance system ensures that the weapon will hit (within acceptable variables) the target that it is intended to hit. In the weapon test conducted at Eglin, the guidance system test was successful.
LOAC issues related to lawful targeting should be addressed at the time of employment, as determined by the on scene commander under the facts and circumstances reasonably known at the time, including special collateral damage considerations when attacking chemical or biological targets. Such issues are not determinative of the lawfulness of the weapon for the purpose of this analysis. The commander authorizing the weapon’s use must consider its characteristics in order to ensure consistency with mission rules of engagement and law of war proscriptions on directing attacks at civilians not taking an active part in hostilities, or who otherwise do not pose a threat to US forces. Targeting with the MOAB will be done in accordance with these issues to ensure ROE and law of war compliance.
There are no LOAC principles or treaties that prohibit use of the MOAB weapon. The MOAB weapon is consistent with the international legal obligations of the United States, including the LOAC. The 21 March 2003 Air Force legal review was coordinated with the Staff Judge Advocate to the Commandant of the Marine Corps, the Offices of the Judge Advocate Generals of the Army and the Navy, and the Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Legal Counsel who concured with its analysis and conclusion.
והנה תמונה אחרונה שנועדה להמחיש את גודל הMOAB
וכמה תמונות OT
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SnakEyes תורם/ת באתר

הצטרף בתאריך: Jul 11, 2006 הודעות: 902
נשלח: 14:10 ,18 אפריל 2007, ד' כותרת הודעה: |
ליידע כללי,
1.פצצה זו מסוגלת לייצר מיני רעידת אדמה.
2.לראשונה התגלה השימוש בה כאשר היא נוסתה במדבר נוואדה ,קרוב לעיר לאס וגאס,דבר שגרם למיני רעידת אדמה בכל האיזור,מעדויות של אנשים מאיזור לאס וגאס,"האדמה רעדה", "חשבנו שיש רעידת אמה". זו אכן אמא של כל הפצצות הקונבנציונליות. DCS WORLD-Forum Administrator
The 147 Squadron commander
טייסת 147 בפייסבוק |
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Gim3l טיסות סדירות

הצטרף בתאריך: Nov 28, 2006 הודעות: 687
נשלח: 14:35 ,18 אפריל 2007, ד' כותרת הודעה: |
שמעתי עליה פעם...נראה חזק |
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BlaZe בוגר בית ספר לטיסה

הצטרף בתאריך: May 07, 2006 הודעות: 986 מיקום: אילת
נשלח: 16:44 ,18 אפריל 2007, ד' כותרת הודעה: |
פצצה רצחנית
תחשבו מה זה להטיל כמה עשרות כאלה על איזה עיר מרכזית
מוחק אותה מהלקסיקון |
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afik_t_king טיסות סדירות

הצטרף בתאריך: Oct 25, 2006 הודעות: 5846
נשלח: 17:03 ,18 אפריל 2007, ד' כותרת הודעה: |
חיזבאללה אהם אהם.....דרום לבנון אהם אהם....יאוו איזה גירוד בגרון... |
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desert tomcat-204 טיסות סדירות

הצטרף בתאריך: Aug 05, 2006 הודעות: 374 מיקום: תל חיפה ורמת ירושלים
נשלח: 17:42 ,18 אפריל 2007, ד' כותרת הודעה: |
לישראל יש moab? |
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afik_t_king טיסות סדירות

הצטרף בתאריך: Oct 25, 2006 הודעות: 5846
נשלח: 17:48 ,18 אפריל 2007, ד' כותרת הודעה: |
לישראל כרגע אין להם MOAB.
אבל יש לנו דברים יותר טובים בשבילהם, למקרה שנצטרך להשתמש בהם... |
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schredder טיסות סדירות

הצטרף בתאריך: 27/09/2005 הודעות: 1316 מיקום: דרום
נשלח: 18:31 ,18 אפריל 2007, ד' כותרת הודעה: |
הייתי רוצה "לפנק" את עזה ולבנון במתוקה הזו... ארדוף אויבי ואשיגם ולא אשוב עד כלותם אמחצם ולא יכלו קום יפלו תחת רגלי |
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orronai טיסות סדירות

הצטרף בתאריך: Mar 31, 2007 הודעות: 43
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afik_t_king טיסות סדירות

הצטרף בתאריך: Oct 25, 2006 הודעות: 5846
נשלח: 19:08 ,18 אפריל 2007, ד' כותרת הודעה: |
schredder כתב: | אחחחח.....
הייתי רוצה "לפנק" את עזה ולבנון במתוקה הזו... |
אפשר להגדיל ב-1.90, להוסיף לזה צ'יפס, ולשלוח לכתובת של אסד בדמשק?
אפשר גם לדחוף את הפצצה הזאת ל(_!_) של אחמדיניג'אד, ולפוצץ לו את כל העיר שבה הוא גר. |
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Hedgehog בוגר בית ספר לטיסה

הצטרף בתאריך: May 14, 2006 הודעות: 1809 מיקום: מודיעין
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Hunter101 טיסות סדירות

הצטרף בתאריך: Mar 07, 2007 הודעות: 703
נשלח: 0:18 ,19 אפריל 2007, ה' כותרת הודעה: |
קטלני ביותר!!....נראה לי אם אני לא טועה שמעתי על הפצצה זאת בעבר.. |
חזור למעלה |
PIZZA טיסות סדירות

הצטרף בתאריך: Jan 31, 2006 הודעות: 137
נשלח: 1:38 ,19 אפריל 2007, ה' כותרת הודעה: |
הדבר הקטנצ'יק הזה? חה חה מצחיק..
עם הH-111 שלי אני מסוגל להפיל 4000Kg של פצצות ועדיין יהיה נזק גדול יותר. D:
ציניות, אהם. |
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skydog טיסות סדירות

הצטרף בתאריך: Apr 07, 2007 הודעות: 219 מיקום: קריות-חיפה-ישראל
נשלח: 2:34 ,19 אפריל 2007, ה' כותרת הודעה: |
Hedgehog כתב: | זה לא כמו הפצצות דלק-אויר שאמרו שהשתמשנו במלחמת לבנון הראשונה ?
גם להם היה רדיוס פגיעה ענקי והרס מוחלט של כל מה שמסביב. |
כן זה מה שאני שמעתי גם זה כמו נאפלם רק גירסה יותר גדולה ודחוסה אפילו היה על זה כתבה בטאון |
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skydog טיסות סדירות

הצטרף בתאריך: Apr 07, 2007 הודעות: 219 מיקום: קריות-חיפה-ישראל
נשלח: 3:44 ,19 אפריל 2007, ה' כותרת הודעה: |
היה תמונה של פצצה שלא הבנתי ושחחכתי לישאול היא נראת כמו לווין מה זה
התמונה מתחת לתמונה של הפצצות החומות הקטנות שניראות ישנות
(בתמונה שאני מדבר כתוב 2000 משהוא)
שנית אפשר לדעת מאיפה התמונות ( של הפצצות האחרות) |
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אתה לא יכול לשלוח הודעות בפורום זה אתה לא יכול להגיב להודעות בפורום זה אתה לא יכול לערוך את הודעותיך בפורום זה אתה לא יכול למחוק את הודעותיך בפורום זה אתה לא יכול להצביע למשאלים בפורום זה