Look at the charts
Keep speed close to 300 KIAS below FL100
All overhead breaks are to be performed at 1500 feet AGL
Information from Kutaisi ATCC to Coalition forces stationed at Kutaisi AFB
We are very exited to assist the coalition forces in these troubling times
but with increased traffic movements comes some restrictions
This is mostly due to traffic movements out of Kobuleti and Senaki
Due to their proximity to the AO Sukhumi and Gudauta airfields are closed, their airspace boundaries may be disregarded
The volume of traffic might saturate certain frequencies so make sure you listen first and transmit when the frequency is free
The following NOTAM was issued earlier this week
Attached below is the overview chart of Kutaisi CTA
Departure clearance will be issued by ATC before taxi but latest before take off, expect the following
A/C bound for Target Kilo
Cleared Exit South and Lanchhuti Transition, climb and maintain 5000 feet
A/C bound for Target Voodoo
Cleared Exit North, climb and maintain 5000 feet
Slight variations may occur so listen to your clearance
Exit North, South and West are marked on the Visual Operation Chart
Departure north is very basic
Lanchhuti Transition trails along the ridge line south of Lanchhuti to a point south of lake Poti
Flights cleared Lanchhuti Transition do not need to contact Kutaisi Departure ASAP
Establish a correct flight path first while monitoring the frequency
You are cleared all the way to the coast but it will limit your altitude however
Arrivals are expected to proceed as shown above
Overhead break from 1500 feet AGL is mandatory
All aircraft are to maintain 1500 feet until turning base
Go Around
In case of a go around from final approach, increase speed to 300 knots and climb gently to 1000 feet
This will put you below and in relative motion with arriving traffic
The following images will be available on the mission Kneeboard
step backward to access them quickly