We did it boys!!! We sent Italians back to their homes!!![/b]
וכמה תמונות של IAF לאחר חזרה הביתה...
Napoli expedition forces lost one ship on the way due some enemy ship fire. 82nd paratroop division who's job was to establish first line around Napoli suffered some losses but the line was partially establish.
Just to be absolutely sure that no bad surprises were waiting for landing troops on the beaches, some armor elements of 1st Canadian and 10th Indian division from Montgomery's 8th Army were sent to support the landing if needed. They suffer minimal losses on their long way to beaches trough enemy lines. Finns and Varp did what they could to clean at least some part of the road where this tanks were passing. Job there is not finished, but for the time being, it was enough.
On the central front 102nd was able to squeeze the necks of 1st Fallschirmjager division which was trying to escape north of the river. Destroyed bridges will hold them for a while.
In Bari enemy withdrew to area around the airfield and 1st British airborne division which came in just to probe the enemy has captured 3/4 of the city including control point. Thank you for that Axis! This industry is now producing for us.
IAF destroyed some troop ships with SS troops boarding in Porto Vechhio and reported that enemy still didn't left the area towards mainland.
Enemy did not lunch any anti ship strike. They were attacking Taranto docks but fail to destroy them completely.
We lost majority of our planes from the same big FW190 group....i would say just like we expected
So, I think it is safe to say that despite heavy loses in the air this mission was Overwhelming success!!!
We gain a lot of units on Sardinia and Corsica, some plains over there and on the mainland and all the coastal batteries south of Gustav line are gone which will allow us to send second wave to Napoli directly.
Oh yes, and we get 2 battleships, 4 cruisers and 10 destroyers! Sure, they are not in our service yet nor we will keep them all because of the moves, but at least some will gain points for us.
By the capture of this two cities we collected altogether 26.4 VP
Well done Gents!!![b]