DCS Update 2 Change Log
DCS World
Fixed a crash caused by AI in certain conditions.
Fixed crash caused by fullscreen mode failing to initialize when using multimonitor presets (fall back to windowed mode in case of fail).
Multiplayer. Fixed client crash caused by AWACS being killed.
Kh-22 missile 3D model corrected.
Su-25T. Laser Rangefinder doesn't turned OFF when Route mode selected is fixed.
DCS: A-10C Warthog
Fixed crash caused by Mission Prepare.
Flaming Cliffs 3
F-15C. Extra chaff loading has been corrected.
F-15C. Fixed Navigation Mode not updating after aerial refueling.
Fixed Kuznetsov aircraft carrier ATC not providing permission to take off.
Fixed wingman trying to land on an aircraft carrier while in formation.
Corrected position of smoke outlet of smoke generators.
Su-27. Sorbcya ECM pod 3D model - Fixed navigation light position.
Su-27. 3D model - Fixed canopy texture issue.
Su-27. Adjusted landing gear light cone.
Su-27. Fixed bug with tail numbering for Su-27 "Air Force Standard" scheme.
Su-27. Corrected landing gear animation.
DCS: Mi-8MTV2 Magnificent Eight BETA
Corrected upper blister sections of the cockpit 3D model.
Updated animation of radio channel selectors.
Added animations for the RI-65 voice warning system control panel.
Added thumb button to the rotor brake lever.
Added wheel brake lever to the cyclic control handle.
Adjusted wheel brake sound.
Added bomb release command (B) to the default input profile.
Fuel shut off valves defaulted to off during cold start.
Corrected armament keys for joystick.
Corrected altimeter pressure limits.
Fixed audio volume adjustment when opening/closing blisters.
Removed audio volume adjustment when opening/closing fuselage door.
Fixed camera position issue caused by multiple presses of the Flight Engineer position command.
6 DOF now works correctly when switching to the right pilot position.
Corrected operation of dust protection device heating, engine heating.
Added rudder trimmer option.
Circuit breakers. Common turning-off functionality for auto-stop.
Fixed sticking commands in the left pilot position.
מוביל בית הספר לטיסה במגמת מסוקים בסימולטור DCS World