After logging in and some work on logistics I did a short debrief about our major goals (kill bombers live fighters) and safety instructions (S&R, bail, safe landing etc) we got to runway ready to scramble.
Soon we get the permission to takeoff and followed to our CAP station A46. I had tried to get some job from CGI but we ordered to keep our position and we did it. Later we got order to move about 50 miles to the west IIRC and remain in reserve

. On the way we were intercepted by group of high 109s. It was very tempting to fight them but we tried to disengage to keep us for bombers. At some point it was clear that we can't escape safely and we turned back and kick some 109's a--. At some point the 109s lost advantage and get low enough and we disengaged them to continue to our location. We got two 109's of them loosing 1 hurricane. The pilot had bailed the damaged plane safely.
Than we got again on spot for CAP in reserve. However quite soon after that we got in interception instructions and we run on full power the required direction. We got contacts with 2 formations of ju-88. We managed to shut down two of them. They were fast and dragged us to the east. As they already dropped the deadly ammo we left them alone and returned back to engage the He 111s. The sky was full with bombers hurricanes and spitfires. We tried to shoot as many as we can but we were not so successful this time - most of us have to bail damaged planes, I got PW and bailed at safe altitude over friendly airfield, LeitWolf managed to land in damaged plane at some front line airstrip.
We waited for S&R and I put entire squadron on hold on the home airfield to regroup entire squadron. This way we could be ready as big group rather than "collecting" pilots from all over the England. Once we all were ready I reported to CGI and we get immediately scrambled and... were put in reserve once again
We barraged a small square of 8x8 miles at 25K. And I hear an order from CGI to...

move 25 miles to east and be on hold once again

ok. We continue to fly at 2400 RPM to preserve fuel as much as we can. And finally we get interception instruction and instruction to engage what ever we can find... Full power direction NE (to A46). We get to the target and spot some 109s high here. We engage them and shut 2 of them down with 0 lost. It was after an hour in the air. We still had some fuel but not in order to remain in the air till the sunset.
So we ordered to get to nearby base for refuel to be ready to last minutes attack. As we got fresh ammo and fuel we scrambled directly to the west to intercept incoming bombers. We got reports that the targets are low so we climbed to 15k and run at full power. Unfortunately we couldn't get there soon enough to shoot some bombers down. We tried to reach some escaping Ju-88 but we couldn't get contact. And finally we landed after a sunset.
Our squadron had brought only 4x109 kills and 2xJu-88 but we stayed with almost full order most part of the frame.
On personal note, the communication was on internal AH radio. However CGI was on TS. I listened on TS for the instructions and wow C&C channel was noisy (for good reason thou). Using two channels was little bit confusing and sometimes I accidentally shoot messages in C&C instead on sq. channel. The guys in the squadron did awesome job and were very patient for during the entire frame. This had given me more time to get my attention to CGI rather than keeping the squadron in order - 151 rocks