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מספר דוגמאות:
Bambi Killer
'Some years ago a guy was in Gagetown learning to fly the Kiowa. One of the events was learning to fire the gun pod; the mission was to pop up from behind a hill and shoot at a target a mile away. It takes a few seconds for the lead to travel downrange, and as one pilot was watching to see if he'd hit the target, a deer made the fatal mistake of leaping from behind cover at the wrong moment. For the rest of this fellow's career in the Canadian Forces, he was tagged 'Bambi Killer'.'
Enlisted Chick Magnet
This was on a TV programme in the UK about the US Navy. The new pilot had his first cat shot in an F/A-18E and said he screamed like a girl due to the rush. The other pilots were trying to think of a callsign for him in the ready room, when one of the film crew suggested SLAG (Screams Like A Girl), and certainly not a complimentary nickname in UK - slag is the waste product. Not sure if it became official though.
F18 driver on det in Tyndal Australia smacked a kangaroo at eight thousand with a five hundred pound blue bomb.
כִּי הִנֵּה יְהוָה בָּאֵשׁ יָבוֹא וְכַסּוּפָה מַרְכְּבֹתָיו
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