קמפיין MARIANAS 1944 - משימה 4 - 20/2/2012 21:30 - יירוט א/א - פורומים - פריפלייט 
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 עמוד ראשי -> אי אל 2 -> קמפיין MARIANAS 1944 - משימה 4 - 20/2/2012 21:30 - יירוט א/א

שליחת הודעה חדשה   תגובה להודעה
צפה בנושא הקודם :: צפה בנושא הבא  
מחבר הודעה
טיסות סדירות

הצטרף בתאריך: 23/07/2005
הודעות: 3593

הודעהנשלח: 0:01 ,20 פברואר 2012, ב'    כותרת הודעה: קמפיין MARIANAS 1944 - משימה 4 - 20/2/2012 21:30 - יירוט א/א תגובה עם ציטוט

היי חברים,

מסתבר שבטייסת EAF יהיו חסרים כמה טייסים מחר, ביקשו אם נוכל להצטרף למשימה של מחר.

הייעוד שלנו יהיה אוויר-אוויר במטוסי F6F-5 Hellcat.

מכיוון שאנו כנראה נהיה הראשונים להיתקל במטוסי אויב, זאת תהיה טיסה באורך כשעה וחצי לכל היותר.

היה לנו אימון טוב ביום חמישי שעבר. זאת ההזדמנות שלנו להראות את היכולות שלנו.

נא לאשר הגעה שאדע כמה מטוסים לתכנן...

חזור למעלה
טיסה לפרופיל הטייס שלח הודעה פרטית לטייס שלח הודעה במסנג'ר לטייס
מדריך בית ספר לטיסה
מדריך בית ספר לטיסה

הצטרף בתאריך: Mar 13, 2006
הודעות: 2662
מיקום: בית ספר לטיסה

הודעהנשלח: 16:43 ,20 פברואר 2012, ב'    כותרת הודעה: תגובה עם ציטוט

IAF.ViFF כתב:


We will allocate our aircraft between four Operational Areas as follows:

Saipan / Tinian Operations:

We are under the impression that the 4x Destroyer's bombardment of the two northern fields at Tinian have yielded very good results.
The two airfields seem to be deserted (maybe one "?" remains), and it seems that all the AA guns are dead. We will now attempt to capture them.
From the 2nd hour of the mission we will have 8x LVT-A2 Amphibious Troop Carriers loaded with Infantry crossing the 6km stretch of sea between the South beach of Saipan and the North beach of Tinian, and will establish a beach head on Tinian North Fields, with the intent of producing a capture of both fields by mission end time.
We will be able to capture the field only if there are no enemy units whatsoever within 4 km radius of the airfields! (refer to SEOW settings page).
The enemy may deny us the capture of the field if he tries to move up any unit within 4 km radius of the airfield
Supporting aircraft shall ensure the safe passage of the LVTs, and scan the ground carefuly in the vicinity of the field (radius of 4km), destroying quickly any enemy ground unit they see approaching the field.

Be careful not to strafe our own 8x LVTs that will be approaching from the North.

Also, please do not strafe the parked airplanes on the field; we will attempt to capture any remaining Jap airplane on the airfield intact.

Primary Objectives:
1. Establish Air Superiority over the area.
2. Protect Destroyers that will continue to bombard any remaining / approaching enemy ground units.
3. Protect Marine LVTs crossing the 6km wide waterway between Saipan & Tinian (2nd hour of the mission).
4. Destroy any remaining ground units located within 4km radius of both fields.
5. Continue to protect the LVTs that reach the airfields from enemy strafing until mission end time.

Secondary Objectives:
Attack and sink the enemy Destroyer and if possible enemy Transport ship located on Tinain West Coast.

Squadron and Aircraft Allocation:

=VARP= Squadron
1x P-47D-22 Thunderbolt, 19th Fighter Squadron, 318th FG Flt 1, El. 2
2x P-47D-22 Thunderbolt, 19th Fighter Squadron, 318th FG Flt 1, El. 3
1x F6F3 Hellcat, US Navy VF-10 "Grim Reapers", USS Intrepid CV-11 Flt 1, El. 2

242 Sqn
2x F6F3 Hellcat, US Navy VF-13 "Black Cats", USS Franklin CV-13 Flt 1, El. 2
2x TBF-1C Avenger, US Navy VT-2, USS Lexington CV-2 Flt 1, El. 4

4x FM2 Wildcat, US Navy VF-14 "Iron Angels", USS Wasp CV-18 Flt 1, El. 2

Northern Fleet Operations:

The USS Intrepid group has arrived next to the burning Transport Ship, and will begin Rescue Operations immediately.
We shall continue to establish a CAP over the fleet, and prosecute any radar contacts without delay.
CAP should establish a position of advantage at a point that gives them the best readiness to intercept inbound enemy contacts.
Be prepared to intercept enemy Recon planes at high altitude (Ki-46) that may try to discover the location of the USS Lexington (we believe this CV group is still undiscovered by the enemy).
Do not send the whole CAP after a single recon plane. 1-2 interceptors shall suffice.
Use the P-47s advantageous speed at altitude for chasing down fast recon planes like the Ki-46, and its tremendous fire power to bring down big bombers.
Careful attention should be given to the Pickets on the outside circle, and squadrons should be very careful not to stray out of their assigned area.

Primary Objectives:
1. Maintain Air Superiority over the Northern Fleet.
2. Cover rescue Operations of the USS Intrepid.
3. Watch RADAR carefully and prosecute any incoming enemy contacts accordingly.

Secondary Objective:

Squadron and Aircraft Allocation:

64th Sentai
4x P-47D-22 Thunderbolt, 19th Fighter Squadron, 318th FG Flt 2, El. 2
2x F6F3 Hellcat, US Navy VF-13 "Black Cats", USS Franklin CV-13 Flt 1, El. 2

Southern Fleet Operations:

Expect heavy and intense action in this area. After losing most of our Northern Transport Fleet, all our eggs are now laying in this basket. In order to augment the amount of planes we will need in this area the USS Essex Group is sailing Southwards at full speed to join the USS Saratoga Group. The enemy is undoubtedly furious for losing all of his transports in one single mission, and you can bet that they will be out to seek revenge. In the last few missions we have seen that the enemy has made great efforts to locate our Southern Transport Fleet. To this moment we believe the enemy has still not been able to pinpoint its exact location. We believe the enemy will now make even greater efforts and allocate more aircraft to the Southern area of the map in order to locate the Southern Transport Group and immediately attack it and any accompanying Aircraft Carrier groups.

We will establish a CAP in large numbers in this area. In this area it will be very important to prosecute any radar contacts without delay. The Southern Fleet CAP should establish a position of advantage at a point that gives them the best readiness to intercept inbound enemy contacts that will be picked up on the Radars of the Picket Ships. Be prepared to intercept enemy Recon planes at high altitude (Ki-46).
Do not send the whole CAP after a single recon plane. 1-2 interceptors shall suffice.
Use the P-47s advantageous speed at altitude for chasing down fast recon planes like the Ki-46, and its tremendous fire power to bring down big bombers.
Careful attention should be given to the Pickets on the outside circle, and squadrons should be very careful not to stray out of their assigned area.

Primary Objectives:
1. Maintain Air Superiority over the Southern Fleet.
2. Watch RADAR carefully and prosecute any incoming enemy contacts accordingly.

Secondary Objective:

Squadron and Aircraft Allocation:

102nd Squadron (augmented by DangerDogz and IAF as necessary)
4x P-47D-22 Thunderbolt, 19th Fighter Squadron, 318th FG Flt 2, El. 1
4x FM2 Wildcat, US Navy VF-15 "Fighting Aces", USS Essex CV-9 Flt 1, El. 2
4x F6F5 Hellcat, US Navy VF-1 "High Hatters", USS Yorktown CV-10 Flt 1, El. 2 (, naval)

Offensive Operations - Carrier Strike Force

On this mission we go after the Zuikako Carrier at map grid AP41.
102nd will support with PBY that will obtain an early visual contact with the enemy fleet to determine what direction it is sailing.
PBY will continue to scan the NW area of the map to try and locate any additional Japanese CV Groups that may be out there.
The IAF will provide an early fighter sweep with the intent to engage, attrite and drag away enemy defenders.
The EAF will lead the main attack group, and an additional B-24 for bombing will be from 102nd.

Squadron and Aircraft Allocation:

4x F6F3 Hellcat, US Navy VF-31 "Meataxers", USS Cabot CVL-28 Flt 1, El. 3
4x TBF-1C Avenger, US Navy VT-3, USS Yorktown CV-10 Flt 1, El. 1

4x F6F5 Hellcat, US Navy VF-33 Flt 1, El. 1 (, naval)

1x B-24J-100 Liberator, No. 42 Squadron RAAF (FB) Flt 1, Sect. 4
1x PBY-5 Catalina, US Navy VB-88, USS Yorktown CV-10 Flt 1, El. 2

Carrier Take Off Deconfliction:

USS Saratoga: 102nd, IAF and Danger Dogz

USS Essex: 102nd and 64th Sentai

USS Intrepid: 242 Sqn, 64th Sentai and LLv34

USS Lexington: EAF and IAF

TeamSpeak Server
Password: vertikala

IL2 Coop Host
Will be the 22GCT Server at:
password: n/a

Mission Schedule (all times in CET)

We meet starting from 20:00 CET for Tech Support. Briefing and Line up starting at 20:30 CET.

20:00 Connection to the TS server, setup of whispers & technical assistance

20:10 Pre-Briefing in front of the MP and this thread

20:15 Connection to the IL2 Host, and selection of your aircraft, lineup

20:30 Briefing in front of the ingame map

21:15 Finalize Lineup

21:25 Final coordination between squads

21:30 Hit FLY!

Cya all there, S!

watch your six, i'm behind you
חזור למעלה
טיסה לפרופיל הטייס שלח הודעה פרטית לטייס
טיסות סדירות

הצטרף בתאריך: 25/06/2008
הודעות: 897
מיקום: רשלצ

הודעהנשלח: 18:10 ,20 פברואר 2012, ב'    כותרת הודעה: תגובה עם ציטוט

מגיע תודה
חזור למעלה
טיסה לפרופיל הטייס שלח הודעה פרטית לטייס שלח דואר אלקטרוני לטייס
הצג הודעות קודמות:   
שליחת הודעה חדשה   תגובה להודעה    עמוד ראשי -> אי אל 2 כל הזמנים הם שעון ישראל (GMT + שעתיים)
עמוד 1 מתוך 1


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