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IAF_Phantom מדריך בית ספר לטיסה

הצטרף בתאריך: Mar 13, 2006 הודעות: 2662 מיקום: בית ספר לטיסה
נשלח: 1:02 ,25 05 2006, ה' כותרת הודעה: Complex Engine Managment |
מצאתי לינק ב- SIMHQ אשר מתאר מתי בכל מטוס להעביר הילוכים בסופרט'ארגר
Aircraft that require manual control for superchargers and fuel mixture.
Difficulty settings “complex engine management” must be On. If the “complex engine management” parameter is set to Off, then the superchargers and mixture are managed automatically in all aircraft.
Several aircraft in our flight simulator require performing additional functions when playing with Complex Engine Management option on. Many of the engines did not have automatic superchargers, thus they need to be adjusted manually. The supercharger stage is adjusted using Supercharger Next Stage and Supercharger Prev. Stage control keys.
I-153 M-62 and I-153P
When climbing, it is required to set the supercharger to stage 2 (Supercharger Next Stage) when passing 2200 meters. When going below 2200 m, one should return the supercharger back to stage 1 (Supercharger Prev. Stage).
In addition, fuel mix requires adjustment at altitudes above 4.0 km. At those altitudes, the engine carburetor is incapable of producing optimal mixture with low-density high altitude air. When the engines begins trailing smoke and suffer power loss or RPM instability, adjust the mix level (using Increase Mixture and Decrease Mixture control keys) until the engine returns to the regular output.
I-16 type 18 / 24
Sharing the same engine with the I-153 series, this plane requires the same operations.
La-5 (F, FN) and La-7
The supercharger requires to be set to stage 1 when flying below 3500 meters, and to stage 2 above 3500 meters. Mixture adjustment is requires at altitudes above 5000 meters.
LaGG-3 (early series)
The supercharger requires to be set to stage 1 when flying below 2200 meters, and to stage 2 above 2200 meters. Mixture adjustment is requires at altitudes above 4000 meters.
LaGG-3(66 series) and LaGG-3IT
The supercharger requires to be set to stage 1 when flying below 2200 meters, and to stage 2 above 2200 meters. Mixture adjustment is requires at altitudes above 3000 meters.
Yak-9 and Variants (D, K, T)
The supercharger requires to be set to stage 1 when flying below 2000 meters, and to stage 2 above 2000 meters. Mixture adjustment is requires at altitudes above 3000 meters.
Yak (Other Models)
The supercharger requires to be set to stage 1 when flying below 2000 meters, and to stage 2 above 2000 meters. Mixture adjustment is requires at altitudes above 4000 meters.
The supercharger requires to be set to stage 1 when flying below 2800 meters, and to stage 2 above 2800 meters.
The supercharger requires to be set to stage 1 when flying below 2200 meters, and to stage 2 above 2200 meters.
P-40E M-105 (Field mod.)
A Russian modification with the engine found on the LaGG-3 requires the same engine handling. The supercharger requires to be set to stage 1 when flying below 2200 meters, and to stage 2 above 2200 meters.
Bf-109G-6/AS, Bf-109G-10/G-14 and Bf-109K-4
These aircraft are equipped with MW50 injection system. The system operates automatically, giving the engine additional power as you move the throttle control beyond the 100% mark. The system can be switched on and off (using the WEP control key), however, it may only be done when the engine is idle or running on lower throttle to prevent damage. Also, it should be switched off when it runs out of water-methanol mix as it can’t operate properly without external pressure and may lead to engine damage.
Mixture corrections may be required above 9000 meters.
FW-190D-9 (1945)
The plane is equipped with MW50 system, similar to the one installed on the Bf-109, and has the same restrictions.
The boost is effectiveness only bellow 1,000 meters. It was even prohibited to use over 1000 meters altitude.
The supercharger requires to be set to stage 1 when flying below 2800 meters, and to stage 2 above 2800 meters.
The supercharger requires to be set to stage 1 when flying below 2800 meters, and to stage 2 above 2800 meters.
Switch supercharger speeds at 2,200 meters (7,200 feet)
Maximum traverse speed for the electric top turret is 60 deg / sec
Switch supercharger speeds at 2,700 meters (8,850 feet)
Maximum traverse speed for the electric top turret is 60 deg / sec
F4F, FM-2 Wildcat Variants
Switch supercharger speeds at 2,500 meters (8,200 feet) and 4,800 meters (15,750 feet)
Flaps are automatically retracted at 250 km/h (155 mph)
Gear can only be operated manually; you have to manually assign keys for it in the Controls section.
F4U Variants
Switch supercharger speeds at 2,600 meters (8,500 feet) and 8,200 meters (26,900 feet)
The aircraft are also equipped with speed brakes that utilize a part of the gear mechanism. Please do not use this function during take-offs and landing, as in this way the gear isn’t supported by additional hydraulic pump and may very well break off under the stress.
F6F Variants
Switch supercharger speeds at 2,500 meters (8,200 feet) and 8,100 meters (26,570 feet)
A6M3-A6M7 and intermediate variants:
Switch supercharger speeds at 3,300 meters (10,800 feet)
Note: A6M5c is modeled with the Sakae 31a engine with methanol injection, instead of the Sakae 21. The cockpit has a gauge showing the quantity of the methanol mix. Unfortunately we were not able to find any detailed photos showing this gauge, and it is based on a diagram that may not adequately represent the historical gauge.
A6M7 model 62 also uses the Sakae 31a, however A6M7 model 63 reverts to Sakae 21 because of historical shortage of newer engines.
Switch supercharger speeds at 3,000 meters (9,840 feet)
Switch supercharger speeds at 2,500 meters (8,200 feet)
Switch supercharger speeds at 3,500 – 4,000 meters watch your six, i'm behind you |
חזור למעלה |
Hedgehog בוגר בית ספר לטיסה

הצטרף בתאריך: May 14, 2006 הודעות: 1809 מיקום: מודיעין
נשלח: 12:49 ,25 05 2006, ה' כותרת הודעה: |
כן, לדעתי זה לקוח מתוך ה readme.rtf שמופיע בגרסת ה DVD.
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יש לי עוד כמה מקורות שמסכמים נתונים כאלה. אני אשלח לינק בהז' הקרובה. |
חזור למעלה |
Hedgehog בוגר בית ספר לטיסה

הצטרף בתאריך: May 14, 2006 הודעות: 1809 מיקום: מודיעין
חזור למעלה |
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