Dear IL-2 fans,
Since the release of patch 4.09, Daidalos Team has been working on the next official patch 4.10. We have done a substantial progress already and we would like to start showing you our latest development and gradually revealing the content of the patch until its release.
All the official updates for patch 4.10 are going to be shown in this first post, please use the rest of the thread for comments and questions.
We would like to emphasize that everything we are showing here has WIP status and is not a finished yet. Please take it into account.
Thank you.
Daidalos Team
4.10 Patch Overview - updated weekly
- all listed planning and content is subject to change by DT or 1C/MG
*** For High-Res videos, please go to ***
Development Update - 2010-05-28
Well yes... today is Friday! As we are quite busy, we didn't manage to prepare an update for yesterday.
Nethertheless we would like to show you something - RE.2000 cockpit in finalisation status (WIP):
Development Update - 2010-05-20
[COLOR="SeaGreen"]Dear IL-2 fans. We would like to inform that after several months of negotiations with Oleg, Ilya and MG/1C management, our team has signed a non-exclusive license agreement. Basically this agreement will give Team Daidalos full access to all assets related to the sim, but our work still remains non-commercial. Most important assets for us now is the SFS tools so that we can build the patch independently and don't need to sacrifice MG team's precious time. Also this will speed up the releasing process, since we can do a new build ourselves if we find bugs from release candidate build.
This past month we have been learning the use the new tools which has taken some time. Also we had to build up a proper codebase for the tools and overall adjust our ways of working. So please have patience and excuse us for the delay. We still do this for free as a hobby and not from 9 to 5 and probably everyone has had less time to give to TD than they wanted to give. Good news is that we don't have any major bugs open. Just some integration work left, finishing some WIP default skins, adjusting some small things and testing that we didn't break anything.[/COLOR]
Video for today doesn't have any single theme, but it's more like random picks of things not shown on video before. Enjoy!
Development Update - 2010-04-22
[COLOR="SeaGreen"]Our work and testing of patch 4.10 continues. There is no need to have any concerns about the patch. It will be released when it is finished. We are aware of our delay and we will communicate our release date to public when we are ready. For now, please stay patient. Thank you for your support. [/COLOR]
Today, we would like to show you 2 new AI bombers.
Do 217 - AI - internal DT development
Do 217 will carry Fritz X and Hs 293. Default skin is still WIP.
Cant Z.1007 - AI - external 3rd party development with DT modelling support
An example of a well built model within DT specifications and with our direct modelling support. The modeller has received a detailed feedback from one of our experienced modellers, learned new modelling techniques and reworked the 3D model. Now, the plane is ready to be included in the patch. Well done model and skin, thank you!
Development Update - 2010-04-09
Testing & bug fixing continues, so not much news this week either. But we can try to capture on video some of the things we test which haven't been yet introduced. This weeks video is about circling torpedos and Ju-88 variants.
The "Motobomba FFF" was a circular running torpedo, designed for Regia Aeronautica by Freri, Filpa and Fiore (hence the name FFF), designed to be dropped from high altitude on enemy harbours or amidst enemy convoys.
This bomb was adopted by Regia Aeronautica, but used in very small numbers (large stores of unused bombs were found still in 1978!) but was adopted in large number an employed with success by the Luftwaffe, under the name LT 350.
This bomb was dropped from high altitude (from 500 to 4000m). It had a first small "pilot" parachute to stabilize the speed around 100m/s. At an altitude of about 130 m, a larger parachute opened. Once in water, the bomb had a circular - spiral trajectory, it run at slow speed (22 Km/h) for about 15 to 30 minutes.
Another similar torpedo we have done is the Russian torpedo 45-36АВ-А (45-36AV-A) which was based on submarine torpedo 45-36. Functionality is much like Motobomba FFF, but range is only 4 km with 39 knots speed.
Ju-88 variants:
Existing Ju-88 A-4 has gone through a small facelift and we've also included two new variants. A-17 & A-4/Torp.
Changes include texture mapping fixes so now it's easier to dress up nicely. Cpt_Farrel is doing great new default skins for all variants (still slightly WIP in the video). Damage model has been improved and some bugs have been fix. Also few of the holes in cockpits have been fixed. Both new torpedo variants have ToKG (torpedo-kommandogerät) installed which was introduced already earlier. Also they have a binocular view for better spotting of ships. This helps with determing ships AoB and speed which are fed to the ToKG.
Development Update - 2010-04-01
We are still very busy finalizing and testing patch content, so only simple Hs-129 video this thursday. Don't mind the bad camera work. Video was made in big hurry.
This video shows some of the new & updated loadout options and details of the cockpit. External cannons/MGs have their own indicator lights that show if the weapon is ready to fire. Bombs have indicator lights also. Cockpit of B-3 variant with BK7.5 cannon has some minor differences, including a own ammo counter for BK7.5. The cannon can also be dropped (causes score penalty) since the B-3 flies very badly with one engine & BK7.5. Even the BK7.5 creates lots of drag and weights a lot, it also increases the stability of the plane, since it's acting like big vertical stabilizer. Drag, weight & stability changes noticeably when the cannon is dropped.
Development Update - 2010-03-18
[COLOR="SeaGreen"]First we would like to communicate 2 things:
1. We are entering the beta phase of the 4.10 patch, so we will reduce the quantity of development updates and focus on the testing of the patch.
2. We are in a time delay and we will inform you about the new patch release date and update the schedule accordingly. [/COLOR]
And some more planes to come in 4.10:
Reggiane Re.2002 (internal DT development)
AI for now.
Fairey Fulmar (external development)
AI for now.
Fairey Swordfish (external development)
AI for now.
Development Update - 2010-03-11
Multi-Crew option on dogfight servers
One of the main advantages of coop mission mode over dogfight servers is the ability for human players to man together the multi-crew planes. We are about to change this. The following video demonstrates work that is currently being undertaken to bring multi-crew option to dedicated/dogfight online games. This feature is still in development but if the testing is successful and we don't find any major issue, we are aiming to release it in patch 4.10. More info to come...
Increased DM of bridges + winter version
Rework of bridges includes:
1) Fixed a bug which caused misses up to 100m to register as direct hits
2) Increased toughness of bridges. Rail and Highway bridge types will most likely be immune
to anything smaller than SC250 kg bombs as historical evidence suggests. Still WIP.
3) While we were at it, we added support for bridge winter skins on winter maps and retextured summer skins.
Development Update - 2010-03-04
Structural G Limits & Multiple Joystick Profiles (internal DT development)
At present all aircraft in IL2 have a single fixed Structural G limit of +13G. It only really becomes an issue with aircraft with exceptionally light elevators such as the P51. Pull more than +13G and you loose your wings. The real life situation is a little more complicated. Real aircraft are designed with an Ultimate load and In Service design load. Both are for a defined configuration and weight.
The in Service load is the typical G available to the pilot. As long as this the G is not exceeded then no aircraft damage will occur. Exceed the In service G limit then damage of varying degrees may occur .. like bent airframes etc. Exceed the Ultimate load then severe damage will occur typically resulting in structural failure ... like wings coming off etc.Typically a safety factor of 1.5 is used. So an Fighter aeroplane with a design In service G limit of say +8G will have an Ultimate load of +12G. As external stores and or weight is increased above the design weight both G limits reduce accordingly. Reduce weight (by dropping bombs or burning fuel etc) and your G limits increase. Bomber and Transport aircraft have G limits much lower than fighters.
So if you abuse the limits you damage the aircraft. Once damaged then its structural integrity is reduced so the ultimate load reduces as well. In other words keep bending the airframe and you will eventually weaken it to the point that very little extra G is required to induce structural failure. A bent airframe wont perform as well either.
The DT team have now simulated this for the first time in IL2. Each aircraft has been given a unique Structural G profile for Ultimate load, In service limit, and dynamic Weight based limits . In addition this is dynamically modified with its own G induced damage profile. The basic Design Ultimate load configuration and weight has been defined as Default load + 100% Fuel. The actual Ultimate design load has been based on Historical values where they are known and guesstimation where they are not known. In broad brush terms for fighters have an Ultimate design load of +12G with an In service limit of +8G. Lets abbreviate this to 8G/12G
How does this work in game ? You take your stock standard Fighter MK 1 with Default armament +100% Fuel your limits are +8G/+12G. You add 2 x 500lbs bombs. your limits now reduce to 5G/8G. So prior to the target you need to be a little more careful with your aeroplane. Lets say pre target you pull + 6G, you have exceeded the In service limit, you will hear a damage sound cue and suffer a slight aerodynamic penalty. In addition your G limits have now reduced to say 4G/6G. (Bust these again and further aerodynamic penalties and further reductions will apply). You progress to the target and release your bombs. Since the weight is reduced your limits will increase but since you already bent the airframe you wont get back your original limits. You might then get say +6G/+9G. As you can see if you keep abusing the limits you will end with a very weakened airframe.
In the case of heavy bombers G limits will prevent any real aerobatic manoeuvers. You will still be able to evade quite well but you wont be able to BFM with aeroplanes like the A20 anymore. Bombers will be just that: Bombers. G limits will be applicable to AI planes as well and they will fly in a more realistic way too.
Is G displayed? Unless the aircraft in game is equipped with a G meter then no. So you will need to re think how you fly. Random snatches particularly at high speeds are going to hurt .... just as they do in real life. You will need to be aware of Corner speeds because any time you are faster than Corner speed you run the risk of an Over G event. (We are yet to finalise the display side of things)
Coupled with this is a new Joystick module that allows the player to save and store up to 4 different stick sensitivity routines. These can all be adjusted or loaded in the arming screen. So once you have selected your aeroplane type you can select your customised stick profile.
We understand that such an important development in the sim's FM needs a thorough testing. We are cooperating with a group of real life pilots who are doing a fantastic job testing this new core feature with us. Salute!
Tester 1
14,500hrs flying Command Ratings on the following types
PA28,C172,Winjeel, Macchi MB326,MirageIII,F18,Boeing 767,Boeing 747-400,A330,A380
*Was Fighter Combat Instructor on Mirage III and F18 , now A380 Captain)
Tester 2
7000hrs rated on the following types:
CAP-10,C182,PA28,C152,BE76,Boeing 737,Boeing 767,A380
(Has full aerobatic rating now First Officer on A380)
Tester 3
Unknown number of hours very knowledgeable Private pilot.
Tester 4
Unknown number of hours. Former Military test pilot with ratings on more aircraft than one could ever dream of, and a Graduate of the Empire test pilots School (ETPS).
The Slot map by Team Pacific (3rd party development)
An important addition to Pacific war scenario.
Development Update - 2010-02-25
Only one video this week due to real life commitments. A bit more on AI vs. AI visibility.
Development Update - 2010-02-18
Re2000 cockpit WIP
New QMB options
First of all QMB is now expanded to 3 windows. First one is same old standard one with just a few changes.
It can be seen on picture that there is a new window "Plane List". Users can chose between 4 different plane lists: Standard,Alphabetical,Custom1,Custom2
That way user don't have to scroll through the huge list, he can simply make a list with his favorite planes only and easily set up his QMB missions. For example next picture show Custom list with American and Japanese planes only, ideal for PTO fans.
Another novelty is FMB button for quick access to FMB. In 4.10 users will be able to add new maps and missions to QMB. Unlike in old QMB in new one there is no limits in number of missions of same type for map. If there are more than one mission than QMB pick one randomly. That way you can have plenty of variety in QMB missions.
Lets see next page.
As you can see number of flights is doubled in 4.10, having 32 vs. 32 fights is lot of fun or maybe 1 vs. 32

That didn't turn out too good but in 1 vs. 4 things were little bit better so we can check another new feature,Stats page.
That's it for today's update, keep in mind that QMB is still WIP and there will be more surprises in final release.
For older DT development updates – please [URL=""]click here.
Thank you. Daidalos Team