היי חברה,
ביום חמישי הקרוב ה-3/12 אנו ניפגשים עם הטייסות מחו"ל שיטוסו איתנו בזירת Midway ושנטוס לצידם בזירה המזרחית של Crimea/Kuban.
להלן האג'נדה של השיחה כפי שפירסמתי בפורום seowhq:
Hi all
Meeting has been set for this Thursday 3/12/09 at 20:30 GMT
Will advise the TS details soon - most probably will be the seowhq TS server
Thursday is the best day and time overall considering the Aussies involved with the Slot
Please confirm you can or can't make it, if this is inconvenient (its short notice) we can alternatively move this to Sunday
The meeting will kick off with whoever can make it from all of the squads for a short introductory session, do some wild dogfights (will advise dedicated DF server details) and then continue with those involved in command, strategy, planning and organization duties of each squad
No limitation for each squad's representation - if the whole squad is involved then by all means stay on the TS channel to discuss
We would also appreciate anyone from other squads who think they have experience to contribute
EAF experiences from their previous Midway campaign are welcome
Items on the Agenda to be discussed
Competency, Readiness & Training
Now’s the time to discover if squads need to brush up on
Carrier take offs and landings - both CAVOK and adverse & low light weather conditions
Open Sea Navigation - proficiency and techniques to know where you are at any given time
Familiarity with Recon System of SEOW - recon photos on Recon missions (smoke toggle on/off), manually entering recon reports on the MP map
Recon Sightings and Reporting - categorizing the sightings, localizing them and fixing the reports on the proper places on the map
First mission (recon flights) objectives and limitations
What we want to achieve on the first mission, how to and what we realistically can expect to achieve
What we want to deny the enemy of achieving, how to and what we can realistically expect to achieve
Second mission and onwards Objectives
Strategic Issues
Plotting of Ship Movements and Grouping
How to best effectively minimize chances of detection by enemy scouts
Diversionary Formations and tactics
Operational Ranges from Midway
Strategic use of RADAR
Production Planning
Relevant for Midway Sector - 2nd day and onwards
Production for the Slot
Production for Crimea/Kuban -Lend Lease Aircraft
AND - Any other issues you feel like bringing up
!See you on Thursday
נא לבוא למיפגש עם מדי א' מגוהצים ונקיים, ונעליים מצוחצחות