יום א' 18 בינואר, משימת מלטה וה-Med, נפגשים ב-TS בשעה 21:15 - פורומים - פריפלייט 
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 עמוד ראשי -> קמפיין הים התיכון -> יום א' 18 בינואר, משימת מלטה וה-Med, נפגשים ב-TS בשעה 21:15

הפורום נעול. אינך יכול להוסיף הודעות, לכתוב תגובות ולערוך הודעות של עצמך   ההודעה נעולה. אינך יכול לכתוב תגובות או לערוך את ההודעה, אם אתה כתבת אותה
צפה בנושא הקודם :: צפה בנושא הבא  
מחבר הודעה
מדריך בית ספר לטיסה
מדריך בית ספר לטיסה

הצטרף בתאריך: 01/09/2005
הודעות: 1958

הודעהנשלח: 21:59 ,17 ינואר 2009, שבת    כותרת הודעה: יום א' 18 בינואר, משימת מלטה וה-Med, נפגשים ב-TS בשעה 21:15 תגובה עם ציטוט

נא לוודא שהפעלתם אך ורק את History Mod ב-JSGME Mod Enabler.

6DOF ו-Advanced Engine Management חייבים להיות Disabled.

תדריך מלטה:

השעה היא 02:00, כך שאנחנו עדיין בחשכה כבדה וכל התנאים המיוחדים מהמשימות האחרונות עדיין תקפים.

5 ספיטפיירים ו-4 סי-הוריקנים יפטרלו מעל מלטה בגבהים שונים. עקב החשכה הצפי הוא למפגשים מועטים עם מטוסי קרב של האויב, כך שיש לנסות להתמקד בהפלת המפציצים. 3 מהספיטים יהיו מצוידים במיכלי גחון 30 גלון וימריאו משדה האל-פאר. היתר ימריאו משדה טקאלי. כל הספיטים ישהו את ההמראה שלהם בכ-10 דקות. ההוריקנים יתחילו באירסטרט.

3 מפציצי A-20 יצאו לגיחת הפצצה על התעשייה של האויב בערים סירקוזה ואוגוסטה.

3 בופייטרים יצאו לגיחת הפצצה בגובה נמוך על התעשייה של האויב בעיר גלה, ואם יתאפשר להם יצטרפו להגנה על שמי מלטה בשובם מהמטרה.

תדריך הים התיכון:

Cat כתב:
Sorry there's no pictures chaps, the old PC's still playing up.

Synopsis: Even before the total loss of the convoy this week Ulrich and I had decided to try a mission or two without the Allies having any ships at sea. This would let us attack a different set of targets; we wanted to follow on from the destruction wreaked on the Axis airfields in Lybia. If we could destroy more enemy aircraft then their capabilities for reinforcing Lybia would be harmed.

Planning: It was decided to lay a false trail; we would try and convince the enemy that we had another convoy coming in from Gibraltar, whereas in reality the sea would be empty. We hoped that we could get them to waste their time searching for non-existent ships while we pounded their airfields.

The Operation: During the planned AI mission we sent in a carrier group, and had it launch aircraft (Sea Hurricanes) off to Malta. We hoped that it would be spotted by enemy recce a/c and/or boats. The carrier group exited the map at the end of the mission.

Where it probably all went wrong! Because of the Christmas break, in order to get the missions back on schedule Charlie added another AI mission. If the Axis had taken the bait with the first mission, they now had two more hours in which they, in all probability, have discovered that there's nothing there. Our strategy may, or may not, be in tatters.

So what do we do now? Exactly as we would have done anyway. We don't have any ships to protect so we're going for their airfields. The shame is that not only have they had an extra two hours recce in the Med; they've also had two hours in which to send replacement planes to Lybia and make good their losses. The extra AI mission played firmly into enemy hands. As if we didn't have enough troubles עושה עיניים .


The planner shows that they certainly took the bait from the original AI mission. They've strung a line of picket boats between Africa and Sicily in order to detect, and illuminate with AAA, any attempt by us at forcing the narrows. (Btw, the pickets are in all probabilty MTBs or such, they're making good use of, and having considerable success with, these.)

Now if, and unfortunately it's now a big if, they are searching for our ships west of Sicily then I expect them to follow their usual tactics. The fighters will be out first, scouting for the bombers which will be planned to arrive in dribs and drabs with a large raid towards the end of the two hours.

In order to maintain our deception the fighters that we will be using on Sunday are 4x Sea Hurricanes and 2x Martlets. I want to give the impression that we have a carrier at sea. Hurris transferring to Malta and Martlets providing CAP. In reality all our fighters in this mission are already based at Malta, and will start from there.

Whilst they are otherwise engaged we will go for their airfields. The Axis tactic of starting some of the bombers late may just play into our hands. If we can find a bomber squadron still on the ground we'll be quids in! To this end I have set two Mosquitoes, with bombs, as Pathfinders. Their task is to head straight to the nearest enemy airfields and begin recce of them. As soon as they find a juicy target they are to use their bombs to suppress AAA then call their bomber groups in - one has Beaufighters and the other Bostons.

Meanwhile the four Sea Hurris will be on free patrol to the west of Sicily, looking for enemy aircraft.
As well as this 3 x B-24s are going to target an airfield along the North African coast; enemy bombers definitely come up from there so hopefully we can get a few of them.
I'm also sending a Sunderland out to recce Tunisi and attack the picket boats. Because he will be vulnerable and attract ship flak, and thus enemy aircraft, the two Martlets will go with him.

So what if the Axis haven't bought our plan hook, line and sinker?
They can't afford to have a battle group wandering about west of Sicily so I'm sure that there will definitely be fighter activity near the picket boats and maybe further north. If they have already decided that we don't have any ships round there after all, then they may gamble on our introducing a convoy from Alexandria. They can't afford to ignore it so something will be down that way for sure. We won't have a single aircraft over there though, so our airfields and ships will have to take their chances. We have precious few surface ships out at all, but there are three DDs over that way that could be lost. They'll have to be expendable I'm afraid.
Likewise the lone merchantman that's halfway to Malta from the east. If he gets spotted then he's had it; let's hope they miss him if he doesn't have any AAA to lead them in.

Where we could be in trouble is during the second half of the mission. Enemy bombers hanging around Italy and Sicily with no targets only have one place to unload - Malta. Be very careful when landing, we might be coming back in the middle of a huge air raid.

Shipping. The only Allied surface ship that anyone, other than the Bostons, is likely to encounter is a lone trawler that I've sent to annoy the picket boats. He should make them give their position away and draw in enemy planes curious as to what's going on. Any other surface ship will be enemy!

There are 5 groups in this mission:

1. 4x pilots. Lead Mosquito and 3x Beaufighters. Recce and attack airfields on the west and north of Sicily. All a/c based on Malta, all a/c with bombs.

2. 4x pilots. 2nd Mosquito and 3x Boston Recce and attack airfields on east coast of Sicily and/or southern Italy. Mosquito based on Malta, Bostons in Lybia, all a/c with bombs. The Bostons will take at least 40 minutes to arrive over Sicily; this gives the Mosquito pilot ample time to select the best target.

3. 3x pilots. 3x B-24 Liberators. Attack airfield at Misurata. Secondary target oil tanks at Misurata. A/c based in Lybia, all a/c with bombs.

4. 3x pilots. 1x Sunderland and 2x Martlets. Recce and/or attack airfields in Tunisia, then Sunderland attacks picket boats. Martlets to protect Sunderland from enemy fighters. All a/c based on Malta, all a/c with bombs. Expert Sunderland pilot required - taking off is very tricky.

5. 4x pilots. 4x Sea Hurricane. Free hunt west of Sicily. A/c based on Malta. Any enemy a/c is a high priority target.

Selecting bombing targets is at the discretion of the Pathfinders and lead planes. Don't waste bombs and ammo on worthless targets unless there really isn't anything better around.

Communication needs to be tiptop for this mission. The various groups need to be able to know where their other a/c are even when they can't see them.

Also, WHISPERS!!! Please restrict use of whispers on comms. During the Lybia mission the three Blenheim pilots could not make themselves understood to each other during their attack because so many other people were all speaking at once. It was a nightmare. Please use whisper only to report sightings or ask for assistance.

Plane allocation. No real idea as yet (although I quite fancy the second Mosquito שמח מאד ). Please post how many pilots each squad is expecting and we can sort it out.

:cheers: to you all - I'm looking forward to it!

צוות ניהול ראשי - פריפלייט
חזור למעלה
טיסה לפרופיל הטייס שלח הודעה פרטית לטייס
טיסות סדירות

הצטרף בתאריך: 23/07/2005
הודעות: 3593

הודעהנשלח: 19:53 ,18 ינואר 2009, א'    כותרת הודעה: תגובה עם ציטוט

מגיע מחייך
חזור למעלה
טיסה לפרופיל הטייס שלח הודעה פרטית לטייס שלח הודעה במסנג'ר לטייס
הצג הודעות קודמות:   
הפורום נעול. אינך יכול להוסיף הודעות, לכתוב תגובות ולערוך הודעות של עצמך   ההודעה נעולה. אינך יכול לכתוב תגובות או לערוך את ההודעה, אם אתה כתבת אותה    עמוד ראשי -> קמפיין הים התיכון כל הזמנים הם שעון ישראל (GMT + שעתיים)
עמוד 1 מתוך 1


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