בוהמיה שחרה פאטץ חדש - פורומים - פריפלייט 
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הצטרף בתאריך: May 09, 2007
הודעות: 198

הודעהנשלח: 21:26 ,10 יוני 2008, ג'    כותרת הודעה: בוהמיה שחרה פאטץ חדש תגובה עם ציטוט

בוהמיה שחררה פאטץ חדש לARMA שמשדרג מ1.08 ל1.14 זה פאטץ רשמי ולא בטא וכולל שיפורים ותיקונים משמעותיים
לחץ כאן להורדת הפאטץ
חזור למעלה
טיסה לפרופיל הטייס שלח הודעה פרטית לטייס
טיסות סדירות

הצטרף בתאריך: May 09, 2007
הודעות: 198

הודעהנשלח: 4:48 ,11 יוני 2008, ד'    כותרת הודעה: רשימת השיפורים של הפאטץ כוללת תגובה עם ציטוט

====שיפורים כללים====
* שדה ראיה חדש
* שיפור עצום של ה frame rate
*שיפור משמעותי בהצגת טווחים רחוקים
* פונקציות סקריפט חדשות
* נספו שיפורים לרתע של הנשקים
*שיפור משמעותי במודל הטיסה של המטוסים וסמולצית רדרים

====שיפורים למשחק רשת====
* מספר תיקונים במערכת קשר רשת
* הגנה מציטים ומשחק נקי ע"י BattlEye anti-cheating system

====שיפורי AI====
* שיפורי נתיב גישה בעיקר בעבירת גשרים
* מספר רב של שיפורים לאנטליגנצית הקרב של המחשב
* זיהוי מטרות יותר אמין ויותר ברור

====עמידות ותאימות====
* תאימות ל Vista x64 platform with 4 GB RAM
*תוקנה הבעיה בזיכרון הווירטואלי של
32b virtual address space
* תוקנו בעיות תאימות בהגנה של המשחק
* הצגה נכונה של ערפל בכרטיסי מסך תומכי DX10

====חומר חדש====
*מצב חדש למשחק רשת בשם ArmA Warfare
* דרום סהרני
* מרינס במדי מדבר
* צבא ארה"ב בWoodland

5164 - Fixed: spinning in select() on Linux Dedicated Server
5164 - Fixed: Handling of invalid CD keys on dedicated servers improved
5164 - Fixed: Signature verification timeout significantly relaxed.
5164 - Fixed: System audio mixer settings no longer changed by ingame volume options.
5164 - Fixed: Vehicle channel no longer transforms to a side channel when not in the vehicle.
5164 - Fixed: assignToAirport did the same as landAt. Now it assigns for purpose of future getout commands.
5164 - Fixed: MP: Player driving motorcycle could die suddenly with no apparent reason.
5164 - Fixed: Building ruins were not visible for JIP-ed players.
5164 - Improved: UI - better detection of focused buttons
5170 - New: Scripting: Full object orientation can be set now using new function setVectorDirAndUp
5170 - Fixed: Handling of duplicate CD key improved
5170 - Added: Improved anti-cheat measures
5170 - New: Command line argument -ranking=... was removed. MP mission statistics can be written to file specified by logFile entry in the server config.
5170 - Fixed: Memory leak on dedicated server (several KB per a mission played).
5170 - Fixed: leader, AI tanks subordinate to a player sometimes did not open fire against some enemy tanks.
5170 - Fixed: AI was not able to fire over sandbags unless the enemy came very near.
5170 - Fixed: Recoil was working badly (moving in unexpected directions) when fps was low.
5170 - Fixed: AI was able to pinpoint enemy by ear after seeing him for a while.
5170 - Fixed: Fixed: Fog on DX10 cards (nVidia 8800, ATI X2900) was too dense.
5170 - Fixed: AI was sometimes unable to move when seeing enemy very near.
5170 - Fixed: Error when loading a save from a complex mission (containing a lot of variables).
5170 - Fixed: Possible crash caused by malformed resize scripting command.
5175 - Fixed: Chat message length limited to 150 characters
5175 - Added: After 3 wrong attempts to log in as an admin further attempts are ignored for some time
5175 - Fixed: Reduced loading time for large textures.
5178 - Fixed: Default handling of different data detected was stricter then intended, resulting in a kick of players.
5178 - Fixed: Dedicated server sometimes crashes after downloading Squad.xml.
5178 - Experimental: Depth only pass used to reduce pixel shader load on some GPUs.
5178 - New: Improved Voice over Net packet re-translation (voice is re-translated when no direct Peer to Peer connection is available or to spare some network bandwidth).
5179 - Fixed: VoN loudness is sometimes not matching selected voice channel (too quiet on Global channel or too loud on Direct channel).
5180 - New: BattlEye protection integration
5180 - New: Better NAT traversal for VoN.
5180 - Optimized: Reduced GPU load of shore area rendering.
5181 - Fixed: NAT traversal for VoN makes dedicated server crashing.
5184 - Fixed: AI units in safe mode could randomly stop
5190 - Fixed: Bad object ID after loading a game - caused frequent crashes when loading Rahmadi Conflict saves.
5191 - New: publicVariable now works for all types of variables
5191 - Added: function addPublicVariableEventHandler
5191 - Fixed: Airplanes bombing laser designated targets.
5193 - Changed: aiDispersionCoef now used scaled by unit skill, high skill units always having low dispersion.
5194 - Fixed: Airplanes with tail wheel were placed with the tail in the air when mission was started.
5195 - Added: functions toUpper, toLower, toArray, toString
5196 - Fixed: Airplanes standing on the ground sometimes oscillated (observed esp. with DC3)
5196 - New: Added difficulty option VonID (VON ID), allowing to see in-game who is currently speaking over the radio.
5196 - New: Added difficulty option DeathMessages (KILL MSG), allowing disabling of XXX killed by YYY messages.
5196 - Fixed: Improved dynamic range handling for vehicle interior sounds (reduces their loudness)
5196 - New: Added difficulty option NetStats (MP SCORE), allowing disabling of scoreboard functionality.
5198 - Fixed: Dead players can no longer talk or write to in-game players unless they are admins.
5199 - Fixed: Further reduced virtual address space usage. Should reduce frequency of out of memory errors.
5201 - New: Command line option -noPause to allow the game running even when its window does not have a focus.
5203 - New: Option to mute individual players in the Players screen (key P) 5203 - Fixed: Thrust vectoring was not transferred in MP, causing warping of hovering airplanes.
5203 - Fixed: Possible crashes with VoN used with HW acceleration.
5203 - Improved: Some ingame .rpt messages removed or clarified to make them more useful
5205 - Fixed: MP "Head bug" - when two players were boarding passenger space of the vehicle simultaneously, one of them might end outside of the vehicle with no control over direction of his character.
5207 - Problem was with mouse movement adaptive filtering, which handled badly transition from fast to slow motion, causing the fast motion to leak into the slow motion region. A barrier was placed to rejected samples so that sample once rejected is not considered in any more computations.
5207 - Fixed: When fast moving with mouse, cursor sometimes jumped once more after turning was stopped.
5207 - Fixed: Players in Seagull mode cannot hear direct speech of others properly.
5209 - Fixed: When switching VON channels quickly, the VON ID indication could still show the old channel.
5209 - Fixed: Improved handling of situations where graphical card VRAM is completely exhausted.
5209 - Fixed: In some complex MP missions the memory space for network messages could be exhausted, resulting in CTD.
5209 - Fixed: Direct speech inside vehicles was not hearable often.
5209 - Fixed: Tank which crew has ejected might sometimes continue spinning forever.
5209 - Fixed: Seized by trigger was mission a hint in the mission editor.
5209 - Fixed: nearTargets returned position more accurate than known by AI.
5209 - New: nearTargets now returns approximate assumed position accuracy as well. 5209 - Fixed: Bad weapon selection by some armored units when engaging some target types (e.g. Mi17 with FFARs)
5209 - Fixed: Sometimes AI might wrongly favor audible information over a visual one after not seeing the target for a while.
5209 - Fixed: AI was unable to destroy empty targets on Destroy WP using full auto weapons (mguns, cannons).
5211 - Fixed: AI detected IR / radar targets very late compared to human players.
5211 - Improved: AI: Better weapon selection when target is far away.
5211 - Fixed: Label on map with map info enabled sometimes revealed real target location even when it was not known.
5211 - Fixed: Improved airplane turn dynamics, including improved rudder dynamics model and fixed auto coordination.
5211 - Fixed: Improved recovery from "VB Lock failed, E_OUTOFMEMORY" error
5212 - Fixed: Further reduced virtual address space usage.
5213 - Fixed: AI tank/APC/ZSU ballistics computation when firing at distant targets.
5213 - Fixed: MP freeze opportunity fixed.
5214 - Fixed: ArmA is now compatible with Vista x64 with 4 GB RAM.
5214 - Fixed: Possible crash when moving fast with high visibility set (like in airplane).
5215 - Fixed: Possible low framerate when rendering with a large viewdistance (introduced in 5180)
5217 - Improved: Water rendering now uses LOD for finer wave animation and better performance with large viewdistances.
5218 - Fixed: VoN - VOID channel indication.
5218 - Fixed: VoN - mouth is moving but no voice is heard.
5218 - Fixed: VoN - voice crackling reduced.
5219 - Fixed: Possible crash in scene loading when mission was started.
5219 - Fixed: Improved handling of missing or old OpenAL32.dll
5219 - Optimized: Improved grass LOD selection with high terrain detail settings.
5220 - Fixed: Night sky background was too black, now slightly brighter.
5224 - Optimized: Faster texture loading when starting mission with large view distance.
5225 - Fixed: Several crash opportunities with malformed addons.
5226 - Fixed: Improved text clarity.
5226 - Fixed: VoN - Unable to hear other players issue.
5226 - Fixed: Reduced AI eye sensitivity during night time.
5227 - Fixed: MP: Head movement for players in cargo is now visible.
5229 - Fixed: Improved AI pathfinding on bridges.
5231 - Fixed: VoN - Direct channel volume is louder now.
5231 - Fixed: Parts of terrain were sometimes clipped with wide viewing angles.
5231 - Fixed: Objects were sometimes disappearing with wide viewing angles.
5232 - Fixed: Dynamically added static object might sometimes be disappearing when viewed from some angles.
5232 - Fixed: Some object shadows could be incorrectly ignored when corresponding objects were occluded.
5232 - Fixed: VoN - P2P connection was not established sometimes.
5232 - Fixed: Reduced network traffic caused by hovering seagulls.
5234 - Fixed: For players in driver and gunner position of the vehicle, obsolete network transfer was generated
5240 - Fixed: More than 64 players can use VoN now.
5241 - Optimized: Reduced CPU load of shore area rendering.
5241 - Fixed: Too large update messages (caused by unusual weapon setups) were not sent.
5241 - Fixed: Paused streaming sounds resumed from a bad position after Alt-Tab or after resuming the game from pause.
5241 - Fixed: Parameter -nopause caused some sounds not to advance when the game did not have a focus.
5242 - Fixed: AI can spell the whole alphabet now.
5243 - Fixed: Cargo is involved in chat on vehicle channel now.
5243 - Fixed: Direct communication chat enabled inside vehicles.
5245 - Fixed: AI unable to board boats in water(introduced in 1.11)
5246 - Improved: Mouse ballistics allowing for more precise aiming.
5248 - Fixed: NAT negotiation failed issue while connecting to server.
5248 - Fixed: Memory management not called regularly on dedicated server, could cause excessive memory allocation.
5249 - Changed: -vm108 option no longer supported.
5249 - Fixed: Reduced commit charge, esp. on dedicated server (DS now assumes -maxmem=512 by default).
5249 - Fixed: Grenade launcher did not respect soldier animation, always fired in the straight direction.
5248 - Fixed: UTF-16LE files which caused dedicated servers shutdown on Linux are readable now.
5249 - Fixed: Reduced recoil for slow ammo, like Mk19 grenades.
5252 - Fixed: Data loading when entering a mission or after Alt-Tab now does not stop the simulation + communication (could cause BattlEye timeouts).
5252 - Fixed: Force feedback + iFeel recoil effects now stronger and more reliable.
5252 - Fixed: Recoil curves are now less dependent on framerate.
5252 - Fixed: Expression stack overflow handling was not reliable. Fixed by making expression stack size unlimited.
5253 - Fixed: Changes of BattlEye filter in server browser were not saved.
5253 - New: BattlEye filter to show servers not running BattleEye in server browser
5253 - Fixed: Visual artfifact (strange grass spikes on some locations) when running full screen on ATI cards.
5253 - Fixed: File Server was not working properly on Linux dedicated server. (Causing script files not being executed sometimes.)
5253 - Fixed: Changes of BattlEye filter in server browser were not saved.
5253 - New: BattlEye filter to show servers not running BattleEye in server browser
5253 - Fixed: Visual artfifact (strange grass spikes on some locations) when running full screen on ATI cards.
5254 - Fixed: BattlEye issues while using server.cfg on Linux dedicated server
5254 - Fixed: Heap size detection on Linux (causing config file problems and low server FPS)
5255 - Fixed: Player could not use grenades added by Rearm

* FIX {RECOIL}: recoil for all hand weapons were reworked.
* NEW (AMMO): ballistics reworked introducing air friction specific values for each bullet class
* FIX (AMMO): AT4 and RPG7 reduced HIT strength and changed ballistics
* FIX (AMMO): Improved Javelin missile precision.
* FIX (AMMO): land mines - increased indirect hit range and reduced hit value
* FIX (AMMO): Grenades and Flares deflection reduced to half
* FIX (WEAPONS): Unloaded Javelin will not show optics attachment to avoid view blocking in most of the moves.
* FIX (AMMO): count of ammo is changed (M113).
* FIX (AMMO): Cobra cannon ammo changed from AP to HEI
* FIX (AMMO): Sabot rounds no longer produce large explosion effects
* FIX (WEAPONS): GAU-8 fixed rate of fire
* NEW (WEAPONS): Added unguided rockets salvo for AI.
* FIX (WEAPONS): Weapon ranges tweaks. Increased minimum range hit probability.
* FIX (AMMO): reduced secondary explosion range (destroyed vehicle blast range)
* FIX (AMMOBOXES): added some weapons and magazines to existing ammoboxes.
* FIX (ANIMATIONS): Improved turning around with launcher.
* FIX (WEAPONS): Improved M16A2 reload time (faster).
* FIX (VEHICLES): Increased structural armor value of several vehicles to give the crew more chances for survival.
* NEW (DATA): reworked grass clutter on Northern Sahrani, New Sahrani designed for smoother gameplay experience
* FIX (LOCALIZATION): various localization fixes
* FIX (ANIMATIONS): some problems with ladders introduced in 1.08 (stuck on ladders, problem when going from knelt or prone on a ladder, healing when knelt with rifle or launcher)
* FIX (LOCALIZATION): mission M13 is localized to all languages
* FIX (RUSSIAN): several missing translations in the Russian version, UI.pbo is modified to prevent an error message displayed in Russian version of the game when entering Single mission directory
* FIX (DC3): Eject speed is correct, improved get in and get out time, now it's possible to get out.
* FIX (HILUX, DATSUN): Game doesn't fail when using this car in ARMA without Queens Gambit mod.
* FIX (OILFIELDS): Improved animation.
* NEW (GUI): BattlEye filtering in multiplayer games list.
* FIX (ANIMATIONS): Crew in cargo can move with head.
* FIX (WIND CLUTTERS): Wind clutters are now without fire and view geometry.
* FIX (WEAPONS): M4 replaced by M4A1 in ammoboxes and in crews and pilots.
* FIX (RESPAWN WEAPONS): fixed respawn weapons and magazines.
* FIX (M4A1): now use fullauto fire mode instead burst.
* FIX {RECOIL}: recoil and smoke reduced for vehicle mounted grenadelaunchers
* FIX (SOUND): added sound for unguided rockets launch and flight
* FIX (AMMO): added GP25 rounds to SLA Weapons Crates
* FIX (ANIM): slower Oil fields derrick animation
* FIX {ANIM}: improved weapons swaping.
* IMPROVEMENT {GENERAL}: default infantry FOV values adjusted.
חזור למעלה
טיסה לפרופיל הטייס שלח הודעה פרטית לטייס
הצג הודעות קודמות:   
שליחת הודעה חדשה   תגובה להודעה    עמוד ראשי -> ארמא 3 כל הזמנים הם שעון ישראל (GMT + שעתיים)
עמוד 1 מתוך 1


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