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nklo טיסות סדירות

הצטרף בתאריך: Mar 04, 2007 הודעות: 201 מיקום: ראשון לציון
נשלח: 17:36 ,11 05 2007, ו' כותרת הודעה: |
SeT1nFo כתב: | חחח מה זה זה נראה כמו Cdkey K למשחק בא לכם ללדמ אותי איך מעפנחים? |
יש בIPACK של IVAO:
A METAR is a codified observation message indicating an airfield weather conditions observed at a given time.
Such a message is established every hour.
A SPECI message is identical to a METAR but is established punctually instead of regularly. It is a special observation message highlighting any significant change since the last METAR or SPECI was issued.
a) Location Identifier :
LFPO 041300 36020KT 1200 R26/0400 +RASH BKN040TCU 17/15 Q1015 RETS M2 26791299
Almost all airfields in the world have a 4-letter identifier (ICAO rules).
Here LFPO stands for Paris-Orly.
1st = a sector in the world (France is in sector L)
2nd = a country or region or state into the world sector (F stands for France)
3rd = a given sector into the country, region or state (Orly is into the French sector P)
4th = specific to the airfield (O for Orly)
LFPG = Roissy Charles de Gaulle
LFML = Marseille-Provence
LIRF = Rome Fiumicino
LGAT = Athטnes
EDDF = Frankfurt
EDDM = Munich
EHAM = Amsterdam
EBBR = Bruxelles
EGLL = Londres Heathrow
EIDW = Dublin
KJFK = New York Kennedy
KLAX = Los Angeles
b) Date/Time Group :
LFPO 041300 36020KT 1200 R26/0400 +RASH BKN040TCU 17/15 Q1015 RETS M2 26791299
Observation made the 4th day of the current month at 1300 Z (UTC).
c) Wind
LFPO 041300 36020KT 1200 R26/0400 +RASH BKN040TCU 17/15 Q1015 RETS M2 26791299
Wind blowing from 360° at 20 kt (knots)
Also available :
00000KT = wind calm
27010G25KT = 270° / 10 kt gusting 25 kt
VRB03KT = variable direction at 3 kt
36020KT 320V040 = average wind 360° / 20 kt, direction varying from 320° to 040°
d) Visibility
LFPO 041300 36020KT 1200 R26/0400 +RASH BKN040TCU 17/15 Q1015 RETS M2 26791299
Minimal visibility observed on a 360° round is 1200 m
Runway Visual Range (RVR) for runway 26 is 400 m
Also available :
4000 = 4 km
09SM = visibility in statutes miles
0000 = visibility less than 50 m
9999 = visibility higher than 10 km
4000NE = visibility 4000 m to the north-east (=> average visibility = 1.5x4000 = 6000)
1400S 4000N = visibility 1400 m to the south but 4000 m to the north
R25/M0075 = RVR runway 25 is less than 75 m
R33L/P1500 = RVR runway 33 left is higher than 1500 m
R16R/1000D = RVR runway 16 right is 1000 m, deterioration expected (D=Down)
R33C/0900N = RVR runway 33 central is 900 m, no change expected (N=No change)
R27/0150V0300U = RVR runway 27 is variable (V) from 150 to 300 m , improvement expected (U= Up)
e) Significant weather
LFPO 041300 36020KT 1200 R26/0400 +RASH BKN040TCU 17/15 Q1015 RETS M2 26791299
Heavy rain shower
Also available :
As far intensity is concerned :
+ = heavy - = light nothing = moderate
As far as proximity is concerned :
VC = ViCinity (within 8 km)
As far as description is concerned :
BC = BanC - fog bench
BL = BLowing
DR = DRifting
FZ = FreeZing
MI = MInce - Thin fog layer
PR = Partial, partially
SH = SHower
TS = ThunderStorm
As far as precipitations are concerned :
DZ = DriZzle
GR = GRךle - Hail (diameter > 5 mm)
GS = GrיSil - Hail (diameter < 5 mm)
IC = Ice Cristal
PL = ice PEllets
RA = RAin
SG = Snow Grains
SN = SNow
As far as other phenomenons are concerned :
BR = BRume - Mist (vis 1000 to 3000 m)
DU = DUst
FG = FoG (vis < 1000 m)
FU = FUmיe - smoke (vis < 3000 m)
HZ = HaZe = dry mist (visi < 3000 m)
SA = SAnd
VA = Volcanic Ashes
DS = Dust Storm
FC = Funnel Clouds
PO = Dust spins
SQ = SQuall
SS = Sand Storm
f) Clouds and ceiling :
LFPO 041300 36020KT 1200 R26/0400 +RASH BKN040TCU 17/15 Q1015 RETS M2 26791299
Clouds are Tower Cumulus broken at 4000 ft.
Cloudiness :
FEW = few - 1 א 2 octas
SCT = scaterred - 3 א 4 octas
BKN = broken - 5 א 7 octas
OVC = overcast - 8 octas
Type of clouds (indicated in the following cases only) :
CB = cumulonimbus
TCU = towering cumulus or cumulus congestus
Also available :
SKC = Sky Clear (no clouds)
OVC/// = clouds covering the sky and which base is below aerodrome level
VV/// = sky unvisible
VV002 = vertical visibility is 200 ft
CAVOK = ceiling and visibility OK
CAVOK= vis>10km , no clouds below 5000 ft or minimum safe altitude and no significant weather - see e).
g) Air temperature and dew point :
LFPO 041300 36020KT 1200 R26/0400 +RASH BKN040TCU 17/15 Q1015 RETS M2 26791299
Air temperature is 17°C, dew point is 15°C
The closest to the air temperature is the dew point, the higher is the risk of precipitation (simplified explanation)
Also available :
02/M01 = Air at 2°C, dew point at -1°C
M03/M05 = Air at -3°, dew point at -5°
Temperature can be indicated in °F (US METARs) - Nothing more is indicated, it is just obvious that 71° is certainly not a °C air temperature ;-))
h) QNH (altimeter setting) :
LFPO 041300 36020KT 1200 R26/0400 +RASH BKN040TCU 17/15 Q1015 RETS M2 26791299
QNH = 1015 hPa (hectopascals - 1 hPa = 1 mb - millibar)
Also available :
A2985 = Altimeter setting QNH 29.85 inHg
i) Additional information :
LFPO 041300 36020KT 1200 R26/0400 +RASH BKN040TCU 17/15 Q1015 RETS M2 26791299
REcent ThunderStorm
Also available :
RERA = REcent RAin
RESN = REcent SNow
WS TKOF RWY 26 = WindShear when taking off runway 26
WS LDG RWY 26 = WindShear when landing runway 26
j) Trend indicator
LFPO 041300 36020KT 1200 R26/0400 +RASH BKN040TCU 17/15 Q1015 RETS M2 26791299
RVR deterioration
M stands for Mauvais (deterioration)
B stands for Bon (improvement)
0 = max wind speed
1 = average wind speed and direction
2 = RVR runway visual range
3 = clouds
4 = precipitations
7 = dust storm, sans storm or snow storm
8 = storm with or without precipitations
9 = squall
k) Runway status
LFPO 041300 36020KT 1200 R26/0400 +RASH BKN040TCU 17/15 Q1015 RETS M2 26791299
Rwy 26, ice (7) covering 51 to 100% of runway surface (4), 12 mm thick, uncertain braking action (99).
1st and 2nd figures (here 26) = runway 26 or 26L
For right runways, add 50 : example => 26L coded as 26, 26R coded as 76
88 = all runways
3rd figure (here 7, ice) = type of deposit on the runway :
0 = runway clean and dry
1 = damp
2 = wet
3 = frost
4 = snow
5 = wet snow
6 = slush
7 = ice
8 = compacted snow
9 = snow drift
/ = unknown, snow removal in progress
4th figure (here 9, 51-100%) = percentage of runway surface covered :
1 = less than 10%
2 = 11 to 25%
5 = 26 to 50%
9 = 51 to 100%
/ = unknown, snow removal in progress
5th and 6th figures (here 12) = deposit thickness
00 = less than 1 millimeter
01 = 1 mm
02 = 2 mm
03 = 3 mm
12 = 12 mm
90 = 90 mm
92 = 10 cm
93 = 15 cm
94 = 20 cm
95 = 25 cm
96 = 30 cm
97 = 35 cm
98 = more than 40 cm
99 = runway not available (due to deposit or snow removal in progress)
// = unable to measure
7th and 8th figures (here 99) = braking action
01 to 90 = coefficient 0.01 to 0.90
95 = good
94 = medium to good
93 = medium
92 = medium to poor
91 = poor
99 = uncertain
// = unknown
l) Miscellaneous :
BECMG AThhmm = BECoMinG AT (time in hours and minutes)
BECMG FMhhmm TLhhmm = BECoMinG From... TilL
TEMPO FMhhmm = TEMPOrary FroM
SNOCLO = Airfirld closed due to snow
26 CLRD = Runway 26 cleared, back to normal, available again
בכלל לכל טייס טוב לקרוא את הIPACK של IVAO
http://www.ivao.aero/training/tutorials/Ipack/Start_Here.htm נתי קלומר |
חזור למעלה |
SeT1nFo טיסות סדירות

הצטרף בתאריך: Apr 09, 2007 הודעות: 141
נשלח: 18:27 ,11 05 2007, ו' כותרת הודעה: |
יש מצב אישכהו לתרגם את זה? |
חזור למעלה |
Shahar_Shireto טיסות סדירות

הצטרף בתאריך: Nov 10, 2006 הודעות: 502
חזור למעלה |
SeT1nFo טיסות סדירות

הצטרף בתאריך: Apr 09, 2007 הודעות: 141
נשלח: 12:16 ,12 05 2007, שבת כותרת הודעה: |
תודה רבה. |
חזור למעלה |
אתה לא יכול לשלוח הודעות בפורום זה אתה לא יכול להגיב להודעות בפורום זה אתה לא יכול לערוך את הודעותיך בפורום זה אתה לא יכול למחוק את הודעותיך בפורום זה אתה לא יכול להצביע למשאלים בפורום זה