IAF_Alon טיסות סדירות

הצטרף בתאריך: Aug 20, 2012 הודעות: 298 מיקום: תל אביב
נשלח: 20:51 ,11 נובמבר 2021, ה' כותרת הודעה: משימה בילאוצית יום שלישי 16.11עם ALLIED FORCES |
נא להרשם בקישור למטה
The project / community AlliedForces.eu is pleased to inform you that the
second joint operation set in the WW2 scenario has been scheduled for Tuesday 11/16/21, name: Operation Red Week
In order to improve the simulation experience we have made a further step forward (we hope ☺️): this time the mission will require the Normandy and Asset Pack paid contents. The scenario is of PvP and PvE type (in the absence of Client flights l 'AI will intervene to complete the task).
I renew my thanks for all the support shown and the trust shown towards the Allied Forces project / community by the 51 ° Stormo European Air Force community! We also always thank the ED who seem to be looking more and more towards the fantastic world of WW2.
You are all invited, details in the links below.
Pre Flight Room
ED Forum
ED Forums
AlliedForces.eu | Operazione Congiunta | Op. Red Week
Buon giorno Piloti! Il progetto/community AlliedForces.eu ha il piacere comunicarVi che per martedì 16/11/21 è stata schedulata la seconda operazione congiunta ambienta nello scenario WW2, nominativo: Operazione Red Week Al fine di migliorare l'esperienza simulativa abbiamo fatto un ulteriore ste... |